Jose Vargas speaks to students about his identity as an immigrant and a journalist

Every year at St. Edwards, freshmen study a different book in their seminar class. This year was “Dear America” by Jose Vargas. Recently, Vargas visited campus to speak to freshman and aspiring journalists about what it means to be a journalist, what it means to be undocumented in America, and his personal journey to success. 

Vargas was fueled by the desire to stand out in a country where he didn’t always feel accepted. “I thought the most rebellious thing I could do was have a byline. I could exist without existing,” he tells students. He lets his passion for journalism drive him to success, and now he could not imagine life without it. “I identify as a journalist more than any other identity.”

Vargas is known for his accomplishments, some of which include being a Pulitzer-Prize winner, being nominated for an Emmy and a Tony, appearing on many news and media platforms, and much more. While his achievements are vast, he explains to students that it was not an easy journey.

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