Simple tricks for proper recycling

So, you haven’t reached your life goal of becoming 100% zero waste- and that’s OK. There are certain materials that are an inevitable part of life, so let’s do our part to make sure they are being disposed of properly. With these tricks, you’ll have a good understanding of how to recycle correctly. Know your […]

Household items you didn’t know were toxic

  Most people think that sustainable living is solely meant to help our planet’s health when in reality, many of the non-sustainable items we use and buy every day are harming our personal health as well. Here’s a guide on what items you should avoid in your home to stay healthy and save the Earth: […]

Eco-friendly cleaning hacks

Now we love walking into a freshly cleaned apartment just as much as the next person but nowadays our cleaning habits are bogged down with single-use products. You have your spray bottle for glass cleaner, your spray bottle for tile cleaner, your spray bottle for granite cleaner, your squirt bottle for toilet cleaner, your container […]

How and Where to Shop for Sustainable Furniture

Being a college student with not a lot of money can seem like a real set back when you want to buy furniture for your home, but buying furniture especially sustainable eco friendly furniture doesn’t have to hurt your wallet. The idea of buying sustainable furniture seems like something only people with a lot of […]