Now that sustainable furniture is becoming more and more of a common want for many people, there are thousands of websites and stores out there for people to explore and possibly buy furniture from. With so many options it can seem very overwhelming and difficult to know what companies you want to buy from, and […]
Top 4 sustainable fashion brands
We’ve all been faced with the promotional ads on social media, promoting trendy products on sites with prices that seem too good to be true. It can be difficult avoiding that impulse purchase on a fast and cheap clothing store online. But as consumers, we aren’t aware of how these stores are able to afford […]
5 Must Try Zero Waste Makeup Brands
If you use makeup on a daily basis or even just for special occasions, you probably know that most makeup brands tend to have a lot of plastic packaging that ends up in the garbage. It’s pretty obvious that this is really bad for the environment, but it’s actually easy to avoid. Instead of choosing […]
Eco-friendly cleaning hacks
Now we love walking into a freshly cleaned apartment just as much as the next person but nowadays our cleaning habits are bogged down with single-use products. You have your spray bottle for glass cleaner, your spray bottle for tile cleaner, your spray bottle for granite cleaner, your squirt bottle for toilet cleaner, your container […]
Green Technology Bringing Life Back to the Sea
When you take a look at concrete structures on the coast, break waters, or sea walls you’ll see that the water that surrounds it is mostly blue and clear. You’d think this would be a positive for our beaches, but that is not the case. However, these areas are non-sustainable for marine species that are […]
Tips on Sustainable Eating
Tips for Sustainable Eating: Unless you have a garden in your backyard the best way to support the benefits of living sustainably is to eat sustainably. Here are some tips to help you get an idea to get started. Grow something. It could be in your backyard, in a small pot, on a patio, or a […]
How and Where to Shop for Sustainable Furniture
Being a college student with not a lot of money can seem like a real set back when you want to buy furniture for your home, but buying furniture especially sustainable eco friendly furniture doesn’t have to hurt your wallet. The idea of buying sustainable furniture seems like something only people with a lot of […]
Sustainability never looked so good
As young adults going to school while working one or even two jobs, keeping up with the constantly evolving trends can be costly. Not only does shopping for new clothes wreak havoc on your wallet, it’s also one of the many contributors to water pollution. According to SustainYourStyle, 90 percent of wastewaters (the waste byproduct […]
Living sustainably on a budget
In our last blog post, we talked about some easy things you can do when you’re trying to live a more sustainable lifestyle. But if you’re a college student or recent grad who is looking for a few more things you can do while you’re living on a limited income, here’s a list to get […]
What it means to live sustainably
Leading a sustainable lifestyle has never been more important with the current social and ecological damage produced by climate change. But some might not know what sustainability actually means. To sum it up shortly, sustainability is the lifestyle practice that uses as few of Earth’s natural resources as possible. This practice also includes reducing our […]