Ways to Help Fight Climate Change

Written by: Brady Brooks

Edited by: Ali Niefield


Grab a group of your friends and go out and explore the horizon of your environment. Feel the thickness in the air and the scarcity of wildlife. After that, notice the beauty and wonder of our planet that still shines. We are at dire straights here but the time is not too late. Our planet is still breathing but her lungs are weak . If we can come together as a state and work to spread awareness then this issue will be more fluid in conversations throughout the country. This brings me to the first and possibly most useful way to help fight climate change: spread awareness.

Building Awareness

Fully accepting the problem is the first step in solving it. The positive of this situation is that the amount of people that believe in climate change is increasing. The difficulty of this conversation is that there isn’t much entertainment or fire behind it. If you notice during the political discourse in our society the environment is rarely talked unless it’s something that’s extreme like the recent Texas blizzard. Hopefully this problem will become more of a focal point in the political discussions than what is it is right now.



Promote clean energy

Personally, switching over to clean energy will not only help your paybook but help promote an eco-friendlier lifestyle. This situation is difficult though because so much of our economy is already based in the oil market. However, there are always ways to help fight this problem and it doesn’t have to by buying an electric car. Weatherizing your home is helpful in this spring and fall time to save some money on the energy bill and help save the planet. Switching over to solar energy and limiting the amount of water use will help exponentially as well.


Planting Trees

Earth essentially has two much carbon emissions in the atmosphere caused the burning of fossil fuels that’s affecting the ozone layer. Planting trees will help the wildlife as well help diminish the carbon emission problem. Trees are vitally important for the planet’s oxygen to help keep its balance and equilibrium.

3 Environmental Benefits Of Planting A Tree

3 Environmental Benefits Of Planting A Tree

By: Ali N
Edited by: Brady B

From an early age, we are taught that trees are the living things that allow us to breathe, aka survive. When we breathe out, carbon dioxide is released into the air. Trees then take in that carbon dioxide and use it to produce their own energy. While most people are aware of this fact, did you know that trees help the environment in more ways than that? If you are passionate about keeping Earth clean, dive into this reading and see how planting trees can help us continue to live!


Planting trees help to reduce climate change

A huge contributor to climate change is harmful, unnatural carbon dioxide. Harmful CO2 is one of the biggest problems that our planet faces. However, one of the main things that can help fight the toxicity is trees. Trees absorb this CO2 and remove it from the air to store while releasing oxygen! Pretty cool if you ask me. If realizing trees are the key to us living and breathing isn’t enough to convince you to go out there and plant some trees, maybe reading further will entice you.


Planting trees save water

Because of the shade that trees provide, trees help to conserve water. Simply put, trees bring a cooling effect to the Earth which prevents a buildup of heat and drought which would inevitably cause other plants to be without moist soil. We need water, people! If you are thinking about planting some trees, remember that it is always good to water your plants. This will reduce the rate of evaporation near trees which saves water. Is the idea of planting growing fonder? Get out there and plant some trees!


Planting trees provides shelter for animals

When we think about trees, most just think about the colors brown and green. Maybe you think about CO2. Maybe you objectify them, thinking about their tall and bushy stature. Maybe you think about how each plant is different. I bet not many think about the fact that trees are both a food source and natural habitat for other species! Trees significantly contribute to boosting biodiversity, allowing shelter and nourishment for animals like birds, squirrels, bees, and many insects.


We should care about our air. We should care about our water. And, we should care about the different species living on our planet! Get involved, plant some trees. Our planet needs it.


**You can donate to planting a tree and learn more about the benefits here at: https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/texas/home/?cid=STELPRDB5297078