Ways to get involved: Keep Austin Beautiful

Start somewhere 

Whether you’ve gone on a run, taken your dog to the park, or met friends for a picnic, you’ve seen that Austin is filled with beautiful parks and trails that anyone can enjoy. One way we can help our community keep it green and clean is by getting involved with those who have the same vision in mind. Keep Austin Beautiful is an organization that empowers Austinites to volunteer together, beautify green spaces, clean waterways, and reduce waste every day. 

What they offer 

If you’re looking to get dive in and get involved or want to educate yourself on taking care of the environment, Keep Austin Beautiful has five areas of focus. 

  • Clean – removing litter from neighborhoods, creeks, and public spaces in collaboration with the community 
  • Beautify – building vibrant sustainable communities by empowering neighbors to beautify and restore public spaces.
  • Recycle – cultivating waste reduction practices to divert waste from landfills and transition to a zero-waste culture.
  • Educate – leading presentations, service-learning projects, and awareness campaigns to nurture environmental consciousness.
  • Recognize – the most outstanding environmental efforts of individuals, schools, and organizations.


Keep Austin Beautiful has a multitude of volunteer opportunities in a schedule on their website that anyone can register for. Additionally, they have community programs such as adopting a creek, community clean-ups and help keep Austin lakes clean. Their next big volunteer opportunity would be Keep Austin Beautiful Day. It’s an event that occurs every April to mobilizes hundreds of volunteers for an incredible day of community service throughout the Greater Austin Area. If this is something that interests you, be on the lookout for more info regarding the activities for this day on their website. 

Facts about Climate Change

Written By: Brady Brooks

Edited By: Ali Niefield

Scientists predict that if we keep on burning fossil fuels at our current rate it will result in damages that will be irreversible on our climate. They predict that the increase in greenhouse gases emissions will increase the temperature by about 10 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century. Yes, this information is gloomy and pessimistic, but this is the cold hard truth and it’s important for us Texans to understand that.

The first step in solving this existential problem is being aware and recognizing that it exists. Our campaign is focused on challenging the officials of the fossil fuel industry and presenting them will valid information that debunks their false beliefs.

What are Fossil Fuels?

The main fossil fuels that are used in Texas are coal, oil, and natural gas. These fossil fuels produce large quantities of carbon dioxide when they are burned. Carbon emissions then trap heat in the atmosphere and lead to climate change.

Why You Should Care About Texas Carbon Emissions

Why You Should Care About Texas Carbon Emissions

By: Ali N, Brady B, Brianna C, Caitlyn G, Taylor A

The state of Texas uses a total of 707 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions. This number is quite disturbing for various reasons. Not only do we lead the country in carbon emissions, but we also lead by a wide margin. The second most amount of carbon emissions is in the state of California with a total of 359. Keep in mind too that California has a little over 39 million people that live in their state and Texas has 29 million. https://www.eia.gov/state/rankings/?sid=TX#/series/101

This statistic shouldn’t be discouraging but rather motivating because it makes it exceedingly clear that we need to transition our energy use. This is a problem that we can solve together as a unified state. Texas has strong pride and we just need to find a way to use that attitude for a positive outcome. Our campaign is focused on providing clear and evidential facts on the details of climate change.

Another mind-blowing statistic is that Texas has a total energy production of 20,421 trillion btu. The second most in the country is Pennsylvania at 8,987 trillion btu. Let’s really take some time to digest this information and think about why this isn’t talked about. The total energy production and carbon emissions in Texas are literally in a category of their own. This problem is significant but going green can greatly assist in slowing down carbon emissions.  https://www.eia.gov/state/rankings/?sid=TX#/series/101

The reason this information is kept quiet is because fossil fuels is the backbone of the Texas Economy. Whenever money is involved the truth seems to be less significant. Let’s do our best to challenge the fossil fuel industry with facts and peacefully combat their disinformation.Texas is unfortunately a massive threat to the environment and it’s incredibly important for people to be informed of the truth. The first step in solving a problem is recognizing it.


What Is the Physical Evidence of Climate Change?

By Taylor Arnold

Edited by Brianna Cruz

While the topic of climate change has become intensely controversial, the evidence for it is unequivocal. Over the last 650,000 years, the Earth’s climate has seen glacial periods which ended abruptly and began the modern climate age. However, the climate change that we are seeing daily is anything but natural. But, it can be confusing when you don’t know what exactly is the evidence for climate change when there is so much misinformation in every circle we encounter.

One way you can counter misinformation is knowing what the concrete evidence is for climate change. Below is data and information synthesized from NASA that will make understanding what the evidence for climate change is!

Global Temperature is rising:
Since the late 19th century, the Earth’s average temperature has risen by 2.12 degrees Fahrenheit which is a direct result of increased carbon dioxide emissions. In fact, the biggest increase has occurred over the last 40 years, the last 7 years have been the warmest of that (“Climate Change: How Do We Know”).

The Ocean Warming
This might not be something we think about, but our oceans have warmed more than 0.6 degrees since 1969 Fahrenheit according to experts at NASA.

Shrinking Ice Sheets and glaciers

This is one of the most evident sources of the existence of climate change. For years, scientists have observed the ice patterns in glaciers and have noticed a tremendous decrease in glaciers in places like Olympic National Park. However, NASA has really noted the melting of Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets. In fact, they have lost 279 billion tons of ice per year between 1993 and 2019.

Sea Level Rise

Additionally, global sea level rose roughly 8 inches in the last 100 years. Not surprisingly, the last two decades have seen the rise nearly double.

Extreme Events
As the residents of Texas know, there has been an increase of drastic weather events in areas where there shouldn’t be. Texas experienced a devastating winter storm that is a direct result of climate change.

Ocean Acidification

The Industrial Revolution brought more than what it bargained for. Since then, the surface of the ocean waters’ acidity has increased by 30%. Aside from the effects of acid rain brought on by the burning of coal, the ocean has absorbed between 20% and 30% of total anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions in recent decades

All of these reasons are brought on by humans as the accelerated consequences of climate change have never been to the magnitude that they are now. While this is an abbreviated list, you can find more information on NASA’s website!

3 Environmental Benefits Of Planting A Tree

3 Environmental Benefits Of Planting A Tree

By: Ali N
Edited by: Brady B

From an early age, we are taught that trees are the living things that allow us to breathe, aka survive. When we breathe out, carbon dioxide is released into the air. Trees then take in that carbon dioxide and use it to produce their own energy. While most people are aware of this fact, did you know that trees help the environment in more ways than that? If you are passionate about keeping Earth clean, dive into this reading and see how planting trees can help us continue to live!


Planting trees help to reduce climate change

A huge contributor to climate change is harmful, unnatural carbon dioxide. Harmful CO2 is one of the biggest problems that our planet faces. However, one of the main things that can help fight the toxicity is trees. Trees absorb this CO2 and remove it from the air to store while releasing oxygen! Pretty cool if you ask me. If realizing trees are the key to us living and breathing isn’t enough to convince you to go out there and plant some trees, maybe reading further will entice you.


Planting trees save water

Because of the shade that trees provide, trees help to conserve water. Simply put, trees bring a cooling effect to the Earth which prevents a buildup of heat and drought which would inevitably cause other plants to be without moist soil. We need water, people! If you are thinking about planting some trees, remember that it is always good to water your plants. This will reduce the rate of evaporation near trees which saves water. Is the idea of planting growing fonder? Get out there and plant some trees!


Planting trees provides shelter for animals

When we think about trees, most just think about the colors brown and green. Maybe you think about CO2. Maybe you objectify them, thinking about their tall and bushy stature. Maybe you think about how each plant is different. I bet not many think about the fact that trees are both a food source and natural habitat for other species! Trees significantly contribute to boosting biodiversity, allowing shelter and nourishment for animals like birds, squirrels, bees, and many insects.


We should care about our air. We should care about our water. And, we should care about the different species living on our planet! Get involved, plant some trees. Our planet needs it.


**You can donate to planting a tree and learn more about the benefits here at: https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/texas/home/?cid=STELPRDB5297078

Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

What is it

Whether you heard about it before or you’re not too familiar, your carbon footprint is the amount of carbon emissions that go into the atmosphere due to everyday activities. This can promote unhealthy climate change resulting in global warming, something we have been seeing more and more frequently. 

Human activities are responsible for almost all of the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over the last 150 years. The largest source of emissions from human activities in the United States is from burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat, and transportation.

Why does it matter

When more and more gasses get trapped in the atmosphere, they begin to trap in the sun’s radiation which consequently contributes to a warmer earth. This like mentioned before contributes to problems such as global warming and climate change where we can experience extreme patterns of cold followed by warm weather in just a short turnaround. This can cause lifelong effects on the earth and its environment if we don’t make a strive for change.

Ways to reduce 

Though there are plenty of ways that you can start reducing your own carbon footprint with small things that you do daily.

  1. Choosing to go organic and to buy local can significantly reduce the number of emissions emitted by cutting travel time for food items.
  2. Reduce your food waste by planning meals ahead or properly reuse leftover food.
  3. Composting your food waste.
  1. Don’t buy from fast fashion places.
  2. Try to buy clothing items from thrift stores.
  3. Washing your clothes in cold water can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide by 500 pounds in a year.
  1. Ditch your ride and try to bike to places more.
  2. Fly more nonstop.
  3. Avoid unnecessary braking and acceleration.

These are just a few ways that you can reduce your own carbon footprint while working towards maintaining a healthy environment.

It’s The Little Green Things

3 little ways to start your green journey

By: Brianna Cruz

Edited By: Caitlyn Gonzales

Want to end climate change, but don’t know where to start? Don’t worry we have all been there too. It may seem like anything one single person does will not be enough to fix the condition our planet is in, but thankfully that isn’t true. It takes one person to want to make an impact, in order for more to follow! Going green is contagious. Thank you for making the planet a priority and thank you for including Go Green Go in your journey. We all appreciate the support.

So, you want to make a change, but don’t know where to start. No problem! I’m here to give you the best and easiest options to start at. Going green may seem like more work or a chore, but it’s actually so fun! Let’s get started on some these options, so that you can have as much fun as we do!

Ditch your ride:

Yes, the vehicle. You absolutely can do it! If you live in a city this will be a bit easier for you. Bust that old rusty bike out, air up those tires, and go green! I began using my vehicle less by riding my bike to the grocery store (can be anywhere). If you live alone or have a small family this is totally doable. Not to mention a good little sweat and calories burned! If you do not have a bike, don’t worry, there’s more options below.

Or you can rent a MetroBike on the CapMetro app. There’s 75 bike stations spread throughout Austin! The bike rental lasts 1 hour and anytime after that is $4/30 min. If you like your rental experience you can purchase a membership For an even bigger incentive… students receive a DISCOUNT! Check out more information on https://www.capmetro.org/metrobike

Here is a list of tips for your first CLEAN grocery run:

  • Air up your tires
  • Take backpack
  • Wear helmet
  • Wear comfortable shoes/clothing
  • Only buy what you need!
  • Take a pic and tag @GoGreenGo10 on Twitter!
Remember Recycling:

I promise it gets easy with practice. There is nothing better than having a full recycling bin and a partially empty trash bin on trash days. The first thing you need to know prior to becoming a recycle enthusiast. There’s a small triangular recycle symbol on the bottom of plastic containers with a #, 1-6 are recyclable! If they have any # higher than 6, then they can’t be recycled (boo). It was helpful for me to get my whole family on the same page, so communicate! Show the fam the brand new recycling bin they should place recyclables in and educate them over which plastics can be tossed in the bin. Before you know it, your family will be excited to toss something in the recycle bin (yay).

Beginner’s Tips

  • Buy a separate bin to store recyclables inside your home
  • Try and buy only recyclable plastic items!
  • Rinse all items out before recycling
  • Take a pic and tag @GoGreenGo on Twitter!
Excessive Electricity:

I am absolutely guilty of walking around my home, broad daylight, with every light on in my home (smh). But no more! I have been refraining from flicking any light switch, from the moment I wake up (6a) to sunset. Open those blinds and draw your curtains = enjoy the sun’s beautiful natural light! Your plants will also appreciate the sun’s rays hitting them all day. Even your wallet will appreciate the change lol. It may be hard to knock the habit during the first transitioning week, but with some effort + reminders, it will be a habit that sticks.


  • place sticky notes next to every light switch in your home (DON’T USE)
  • set an alert on your phone for 7a (DON’T USE LIGHTS)
  • remind all family members
  • compare electricity bill to previous!

Now, I wish you all the very best start to your GoGreenGo journey! Just keep reminding yourself that it’s the little green things, that make the big green difference. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @GoGreenGo for more info and thanks for reading!


Green Texas

The Need for Texas to Switch to Green Energy

By: Brady Brooks

Green Texas? sounds like an oxymoron doesn’t it… The state that prides itself on oil fields, cowboy boots, ranches and hating liberals needs to take a progressive approach, how shameful! The fact of the matter though is that the necessity of this transformation is more crucial than it’s ever been before. We are at a point where the repercussions of burning fossil fuels will be irreversible for our environment. The state that is notorious for it’s oil economy needs to transition to renewable energy now and here is why:

Climate Change

When fossil fuels are burned they release large quantities of carbon dioxide into the air. These carbon emissions then trap heat into our atmosphere resulting in global warming. This predicament with the fossil fuel industry is more vital than it’s ever been before. The economy of Texas is based off of oil and natural gas and this is why it’s essential for us to challenge these traditions.

Recent Snow Storm

Texas just experienced a disastrous blizzard that put thousands of citizens out of water and electricity. This was an horrendous experience for Texas as a whole but luckily it made the issue of climate change more of a discussion. The power outages that happened throughout the state were a direct result of Texas being too reliant on fossil fuels. About 88 percent of the energy in Texas is powered by fossil fuels and that energy proved to be unsustainable.

Ways to help

  • Power your home with a utility company that mostly uses wind and solar energy
  • Pull the plug on technology devices when they are not being used
  • Limit the water usage! take shorter showers and for God’s sake turn off the sink water when your brushing your teeth (I know it’s difficult to remember sometimes)
  • Try to limit how much you use air-conditioning. Weatherizing your home can help profoundly
  • Invest in energy-efficient appliances
  • Limit food waste!
  • Use energy-efficient vehicles and it doesn’t have to be a Tesla because a Prius is just as fabulous.

The most important thing we can do as a state is to vocalize these issues and peacefully protest the fossil fuel industry. With the power of social media and other communication platforms we can unite in this fight together. There’s power in numbers and the more people that challenge this tradition the more effective the movement will be. It’s a problem that has been going on for way too long and its our time to stop it.










Top 3 Tips For an Eco Friendly St. Patty’s Day

By: Ali N

Top 3 Tips For an Eco Friendly St. Patty’s Day

Kiss me, i’m eco-friendly! St. Patrick’s Day is around the corner and like any other holiday there will be a ton of (socially distanced and safe) celebration. Unfortunately, like many other holidays, amid the joy and cheerful festivities lurks a massive environmental toll. It may not bring the same amount of participation as other days such as Christmas or Valentines Day, but St. Patricks Day celebrations bring with them a lot of waste.

If you are trying to be more aware of the detrimental effects that non bio degradable waste has on the planet while also wanting to celebrate a highly anticipated holiday, you came to the right place! It is possible to celebrate without creating a negative environmental impact; so here is a guide with the top three things to avoid if you want to participate in a truly green St. Patrick’s Day.


Green beads, plastic shamrocks, plates, cups, beers…these are just a few things that are expected to be involved in the St. Patricks Day celebration. Plastic, though recyclable, mostly ends up on the road and ultimately in landfills contributing to land and air pollution. If you can, try to use biodegradable plates, cups and utensils. We are not suggesting having a colorless festivity either by the way. We suggest going green in green just with different decorations made of different material such as felt, cloth, or metal. It takes vast amounts of water and energy to recycle plastic and make it reusable so keep the planet in mind when you are engaging in this years celebration!


This is a holiday where you get to be festive! Why not save yourself the time and money and wear something green that you already have. Before going to buy a new outfit or extra green items, think about looking through your closet first and seeing what you can make of what you got! It is the eco-friendliest way to dress green as less consumption means less waste and uses no extra resources and energy to create.If you need to go out there and make a new purchase be sure to keep in mind that thrifting is always a good, convenient, cheap and eco-friendly way of shopping.



Holiday celebrations means the guarantee of events in several different places. The guarantee of events in several different places, guarantees people will be on the roads. Something that can be done to encourage an eco friendly celebration is to reduce the amount of carbon emissions. Before having to drive somewhere, think about the other possible ways to get to your destination that will help benefit the planet. Instead of taking your car, consider the more eco-friendly options like walking, carpooling, biking, or even taking public transportation. The reduction of CO2 into the atmosphere can significantly help with our polluted planet.


Before you celebrate in green, make sure you are also thinking and being green!