Travel the World Sustainably



As Millennials and Generation Z, traveling is the new craze. We want to see the world before it gets completely destroyed by our carbon footprint. Well, did you know traveling can increase your carbon footprint immensely? Traveling can have a huge impact on our environment and atmosphere. Worry not youngins! There are many little tricks and turns we can do and make apart of our lives, in order to make travel more sustainable. Because who the heck is gonna say no to that next trip to Cabo?!

1. If you must take an airplane, try to book non stop flights

Airplane carbon emission is a major cause of current climate change issues, so limiting unnecessary flights could be a small change with big results. Especially since taking off and landing flights is when planes emit the most amount of carbon emissions.

2. If time permits, travel by bus, train, or ship to your destination

Traveling by one of these alternatives is a great way to reduce carbon emission and is a fun and different way to travel. Traveling by bus, train, or ship can be an adventure in itself. Through these alternatives, there is so much more time to stop and smell the roses per se. On a bus that makes frequent stops, you can make the most of your time by checking out local towns, you may have never seen before. Trains give one a great view of the landscape passing you by, and ships? Well, there’s a great view of, well…water.



3. Leave the “Do Not Disturb Sign” on your hotel door (Not for THAT reason ;))

Hotels tend to harness wasteful ways, such as cleaning every single room in the building, let’s say, every 12 hours. This is unnecessary and wasteful. Putting the “Do Not Disturb Sign” on can save energy and electricity from vacuuming, less cleaning chemicals being sprayed and saves water from washing sheets.




4. When you get to your destination: walk, bike, or use public transport

This is a bit of an obvious one, but it is still very important to practice! Doing this little change can help in a big way. Try to blend in as a local and this could enhance your traveling experience in ways you never even thought of.


5. Buy locally-made souvenirs

Buying locally-made souvenirs not only supports the local economy to which you are traveling but also reduces the carbon footprint. This is due to reducing products that are being mass produced, being shipped over from another country. This, in turn, reduces carbon emission from those planes or ships.



These are just five small things one can do or alter to travel more sustainably. One person making these changes isn’t going to do much, but if we come together to make these changes, our Earth will be much happier with us overall. Next time you plan a trip, try to incorporate these tips. Trust me, you will be a much happier person in the long run if you start the change now. Believe me, the world will thank you. Below is a link for many more traveling tips, if you’d like to learn more!


Written by Sydney Graham

Edited by Katherine Bingham

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