Sustainability For Dummies


As Millennial’s and Generation Z we are burdened with the task of saving the planet due to past generations clearly not “giving a damn.”  Well what happens when we grow up with parents who teach us everyday life hacks, that are clearly not helping the World, in any way, shape or form?  We do what we do best; turn to the Internet! How can you help planet Earth, without turning your whole World upside down you ask? I am going to give you a few simple ways to help our planet and it (hopefully) won’t be the end of the World….

Sustainability Hacks for Dummies:


    When I was younger, leaving lights on was just something we did. Whether it was because we forgot to turn them off before we left, wanted to have a light on when we came back to the house, or just because I was scared of the dark. But, this is a very simple way we can conserve energy and not hard at all



    Yes, I know, you want to stand under the hot steaming water, belt out your favorite Beyonce song, and take your sweet time cleaning yourself. What we don’t realize is this waste SO MUCH water! Keep your showers short and save your dance/song numbers for when the water is off.


    Okay, okay, I know this one sounds rough, if you live in places like Texas, and the heat can be sweltering sometimes. But on nice breezy days, open the windows instead of turning on the AC or heaters.  This can save so much energy, and save you some money, and the Lord knows Millenials need to start saving that money.


    Who wants to drive by themselves anyways? Make some connections, and start driving with your friends, coworkers, or fellow students to your destinations. Or you can even walk, or ride a bike instead. This emits less fossil fuels into the environment, which is one of the leading causes of global warming (yes, President Trump, It’s REAL).


  5. REUSE

    This is so simple, yet so easy to forget. We just throw things away, with little thought of it. But the jar, or can that you just threw away, could have been a great change collector that you just bought for $5 yesterday. Be conscious of what you throw away, because it could be of great use to you someday; sorry Marie Kondo.

In conclusion, be mindful on what you are doing, and how your actions, can come back to bite you, and the whole world in the butt. Take a second to change your patterns and help the planet a little bit at a time.

More information can be found here:



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