The Mystery of Nopales, What Are They?


Nopales or prickly pear, is a type of cactus native to Mexico. This green, prickly plant was grown and eaten as a vegetable in Central Mexico, long before the Spanish arrived. It was then taken by the Spanish explorers to Spain, where it was later grown in North Africa. As a result of this spread, the nopal can now be found in parts of North America and the Mediterranean.

The nopal is known for it herbal qualities, in which the Aztecs appreciated the cactus for its purifying effects. Nopal leaves were valued for their high nutritional content and valuable active ingredients, in which they are still in use today. The Nopal cactus is a popular food in Mexico, as well as its blood-purifying and intestinal purifying effects.

Nopal cactus plants contain pads that have thrones on the outside. Hank Shaw. (2019). How to Clean Nopales. Retrieved from

What Exactly Is it?

The plant is the genus Opuntia from the Cactaceae family, or commonly known as the prickly pear cactus. Nopal translates to cactus in Spanish and characterizes the term Nopales, meaning cactus stem. Often called Nopalitos, this refers to the pads of the nopal after they are cut up and prepared for eating. There are two food crops derived from the prickly pear cactus. The nopal plant is made up of two things,  one is the nopalitos which are the cactus pads and the other is the prickly pear, which is the fruit of the cactus.


The nopal cactus provides an individual with many beneficial qualities that works to reduce human threatening diseases so commonly found in society. As stated down below, the nopal has proven to cause these health benefits.

1. Act as an Anti-inflammatory

Nopales has the ability to fight inflammation in the muscles, arteries, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

2. Boost Immune System

Nopales contains a photochemical that has been proven to improve ones immune system.

3. Aid Digestive Health

Absorbs excess water, as well as speeding up bowel movement, which are due to the insoluble fiber found within nopales.

4. Act as an Antiviral

Contains antiviral properties and can be seen in a study conducted by the U.S National Library of Medicine, which has properties to fight off various infections and viruses such as herpes and HIV.

5. Contains Anti-oxidants

Nopales are full of antioxidants which can help prevent the body from cell damage or loss.

6. Reduce Diabetes

In a study done by Hindawi, it has been tested that the nopal cactus has proven to treat an individual with diabetes.

Nopal Plant that contains prickly pears. Estigo Tours. (2017). Nopales…the Mexico Super Food. Retrieved from


It is evident that nopales have many beneficial properties, however it can be seen down below just how nutritious these cactus are. As reported by the USDA, one cup of raw nopales contains approximately

  • 13.8 calories
  • 1.14 grams (g) of protein
  • 0.08 g of fat
  • 2.86 g of carbohydrate
  • 1.89 g of fiber
  • 0.99 g of sugar
  • 19.8 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin A
  • 8 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C
  • 141 mg of calcium
  • 4.56 mcg of vitamin K


One recipe that my family has made with nopales is called, Ensalada de Nopales which translates to Prickly Pear Salad.


2 cups of Nopales pads (diced and cooked)

1 Teaspoon of table salt

3 Roma tomatoes (diced)

1 medium onion (diced)

1 Jalapeño

1/2 cup of cilantro

Queso Fresco (optional)

1 cup of water

2 cloves of garlic (diced)

Salad Bowl

How to Make it:

Step 1: Remove the thorns from the nopales pads and wash the pads throughly with cool water. Wash the tomatoes and jalapeño as well.

Step 2: Dice/cut the nopales, tomatoes, jalapeño, and garlic into small squares.

Step 3: On medium heat, cook and add the small squares of nopales, salt, and garlic to a pan for five minutes in water. Then, drain the excess water.

Step 4: Set aside the nopales until they reach room temperature.

Step 5: Gather your salad bowl and add your nopales, tomatoes, jalapeños, onion, cilantro, and optional cheese.

Step 6: You are now ready to eat your healthy Ensalada de nopales.

Blog post by Ashley Luna

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