About Us; The Team

Hi I’m Carla! I’m a Public Relations major and attend St. Edward’s University. This project is really important to me because people don’t realize how much food they throw away everyday! By reducing food waste, you can save money, as well as the environment and others around you! By sharing some tips and information on food waste, we hope to inspire and show people how easy it is to make sustainable changes!


Hi, my name is Jimena! I am majoring in Marketing at St. Edwards university. Food for second thought is very important to me because it is a reminder that we should all try to think again before we waste out food! Our team has been working hard at making everyone aware of this environmental problem and share tips about how you can help! I hope you enjoy our blogs and the content we share on our social media sites!

Hi I’m Angela! I’m studying Communication at St.Edward’s University with a focus in Advertising and Public Relations. Since starting this project I have become very interested about learning more about food waste and ways to help. What I love about this topic is that while it is a large issue, there are plenty of actions at the consumer level that can make a difference. Stay tuned for more of our posts and I hope you join us in this journey to reduce food waste.

Hi, I’m Madison! I’m a third year communication major at St. Edward’s. After working in a restaurant as a waitress, food waste was something that I saw on an everyday basis. Since I saw the amount of food being wasted, I wanted to actively make a change. I’m excited to bring awareness to an issue that hit’s so close to home!