Painting dull and blurred landscapes, possibly from photos.
Splotchy, unclear, raw color and blended to the point of showing only forms that work together to create some sort of image or landscape.
Simple and not very detailed.
“When I paint from a photograph, conscious thinking is eliminated. I don’t know what I am doing. My work is far closer to the Informel than to any kind of ‘realism’. The photograph has an abstraction of its own, which is not easy to see through.” -Richter
“I’ve never found anything to be lacking in a blurry canvas. Quite the contrary: you can see many more things in it than in a sharply focused image. A landscape painted with exactness forces you to see a determined number of clearly differentiated trees, while in a blurry canvas you can perceive as many trees as you want. The painting is more open.” -Richter