VISU1311 Project #2

For this project, I realized after spending time cutting up and rearranging images that all of my images had something to do with pavement and sky, or at least pavement and nature. I had planned to use a different collage for my last piece, but upon working on it I realized that it didn’t fit the same theme as my other collages.

South Congress has become an important area for me to travel. The stores have all been vital to my improved stay here, and these photo and gathering projects have forced me to explore SoCo whereas I probably wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for the project.

VISU1311 Project#2 Collage 1 Ellise Stokes

VISU1311 Project#2 Collage 2 Ellise Stokes

VISU1311 Project#2 Collage 3 Ellise Stokes

VISU1311 Project#2 Collage 4 Ellise Stokes

VISU1311 Project#2 Collage 5 Ellise Stokes


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Blog Post 9 VISU1100


The three alumni speakers discussed various things to aid in getting a job in the visual arts. Each speaker this time had a different approach to getting into the field.

Lynnè Bowman Cravens explained how grad school is very helpful towards learning an individual take on art. Grad school encourages individual work on projects, which allows one to figure out new forms of art. It allows us to expand our ability to work. She also mentioned that maintaining an art blog can help advertise your art, which is very helpful.

Miranda Petrosky was much more literal when it comes to explaining how to work in the (graphic) design field. She provided helpful information about the path to becoming a designer, going from student worker to intern to junior designer and so on. She explained that there is a digital side of graphic design, as well as a print and general design. She also told about the different agencies, and the different constants that come with graphic design work.

Finally, Dustin Meyer explained wedding photography as a place in the industry that can help photocomm majors. He talked about how wedding photography is a great place to start, because people are constantly having weddings, and there wouldn’t be an end of the demand for wedding photographers. He also explained how word of mouth is the best way to get recognition for the job.



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VISU 1100 Blog Post 7

The four alumni that visited provided me with reassurance on the path that I have chosen. They each explained how important it is to volunteer and do internships.

The first speaker was Nick Swift. He helped create the Swift distillery alongside his wife. He explained how important it was to get to know people at the school because they can support you after college. He expressed this importance of networking and researching. He explained the usefulness in his company of web designers, package designers, food designers, and food and beverage PR people. His company took 6 years before it finally took off. I learned how important it was to work at something for a while and then it would eventually pay off.

The next presenter was Rebecca Marino, who is a gallery director for Pump Project. She gave the best example of how to search for what is the best career choice to follow through taking many internships and volunteering. Many of her jobs tied in to what she was taught in school. Her volunteering paid off as it resulted in her getting a job there. I realized with her presentation that I need to search the field more so I can figure out what would be the best place for me to be in.

The third presenter was Alex Roka, who works in Graphic design, the same major as me. He talked about how we as students need to search around the field. He talked about how he has worked with various large companies through large teams. He explained how he created an online portfolio, and how it’s helped him get more business through people reaching out for his work. His presentation was the most influential to me.

The final presenter was Taylor Browning, an art major. She does basically everything for her company that she works for. She explains the importance of being flexible when it comes to work. She also says that the classes at the college aid in learning later on in life. With her I learned how important it is to be a creative and critical thinker.

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VISU 1311 Project 1 Reflection

This first project for me was filled with some confusion, but I feel it transitioned me into college art classes. In high school, there was so much handholding and concrete guidelines like how many images to take, and what subject to photograph. This wasn’t the case with this assignment, and I think it really threw me.

I saw quite the trend in critique comments. I think the most common critique was editing. A common issue that the class shared was a large selection of photos with little cohesion between them. In addition to this, there were also people that had too many photos without a connecting factor. Finally, there were also students that needed to shoot more pictures, and of things that they enjoy taking pictures of.

For me, my images weren’t as strong as they should be compositionally, and I only included three images. In this way, my limited image choice was a hindrance because of how limited my scope became. In truth, I did not take enough pictures. I should have taken pictures of each subject from multiple angles, and maybe even at different times of the day.  Because of this, the other, additional pictures I took that also match this theme didn’t feel strong enough to include in the final project. However, I do have a second version of the second photo that I feel is a bit stronger than the one I used in the final project, so I will replace the weaker photo.

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VISU 1100 Blog Post #6


  1. My greatest strengths in Visual Studies include: prior knowledge of some Adobe programs, mostly photo-editing.

For greater success in this course, I need to: build my compositional skills and get better at critiquing.

  1. My greatest strengths in Pre-calculus include: how much I enjoy doing math.

For greater success in this course, I need to: actually study sometimes.

  1. My greatest strengths in French IV include: basic understanding of how French grammar works.

For greater success in this course, I need to: study vocab, practice speaking French, and completing extra practice assignments.

  1. My greatest strengths in Visual Studies seminar include: good note-taking and listening skills.

For greater success in this course, I need to: participate in discussions.

  1. My greatest strengths in Rhetoric and Composition 2 include: my understanding of rhetorical appeals and writing skills.

For greater success in this course, I need to: stop procrastinating so much because it results in so much stress.

  1. My greatest strengths in Freedom and Rights freshman class include: note-taking skills and ability to remember details because of taking notes.

For greater success in this course, I need to: study the required readings more.

Computer skills:

  1. My computer skills include: certification in Adobe Photoshop CS6, experience with Adobe Illustrator, Wacom tablets, Adobe InDesign, as well as the Microsoft Office set.
  2. I still need to learn: maybe 3d animation software, and learning how to 3D print.

Research & writing skills:

  1. My greatest strengths as a researcher/writer include: two years of training to write in a very limited amount of time.
  2. I need to work on these aspects of research and writing: I need to get better at editing.
  3. I learn best & accomplish most when: under pressure.


The class I struggle with the most is my French IV class. My main issue lies in how long it takes for me to quickly recognize French words in a limited amount of time. Ten things I can do to improve my performance in this class are:

  1. Attend French Club.
  2. Practice speaking French.
  3. Practice writing French.
  4. Set aside more time to study.
  5. Make flashcards.
  6. Attend French tutoring.
  7. Complete more practice lessons.
  8. Talk to my teacher about French.
  9. Participate more in class.
  10. Listen to/ watch/read French media.
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Dan Phillips Ted Talk

In the Dan Phillips TED talk, he discusses how the housing industry has created a large amount of waste because of their obsession with perfection and perfect materials. So he decides to make houses out of scrapped materials that are considered worthless. He transforms them from spare materials that no one wants into beautiful houses with a ton of personality. In this way, the synergy between different “waste” materials is incredible. His houses include various blemishes, which give the houses more character than the more perfect expensive materials.

Through the use of non-perfect wood, Phillips can combine them into a harmonious final piece. He explains two types of people, Apellonian and Dionysian. Apellonians are more concerned with perfection, for example perfectly straight 2x4s, and smooth surfaces. This form of thought creates a lot of waste, as the slightest imperfection results in things being scrapped. On the other hand, Dionysians are much more accepting of the hand they are given, so they use everything, even things that are considered worthless by Apellonians. These people are much more likely to embrace the blemishes, allowing their creations to grow out of ‘worthlessness’.

Philips also explains how humans create understanding through repetition. Through repetition, a pattern is created, and pattern creates a harmony to the eye. Overall, his idea of using scraps and other “worthless” materials is really intriguing, and it makes me want to make more art pieces and other crafts using scraps.

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VISU 1100: Blog Post 5

Part 1:

2015, Ellise Stokes Gestalt 1 Photograph
2015, Ellise Stokes, Gestalt 1, Photograph
2015, Ellise Stokes, Gestalt 3, Photograph
2015, Ellise Stokes, Gestalt 3, Photograph
  1. The goal of the project was to create a series of photographs that illustrates the concept of gestalt.
  2. I took a variety of pictures over the span of three different days before narrowing down my selection to three images that I felt best represented gestalt as well as a story element.

Part 2:

  1. The strongest aspect of this project would have to be the story-like element of the pictures. I presented the images in a sequence and I feel the order tells a story about how man-made structures can never truly restrict nature.
  2. I don’t think the composition of the photos is very well done, because I ended up shooting for content and very little on the actual layout.
  3. The composition of my photos could be improved if I were a little bit more deliberate and precise when it came to taking the pictures.
  4. I should have included more pictures exploring each step of containment to freedom and the steps in between.
  5. The project could be strengthened through taking more pictures from a variety of angles and then editing down the number to a series of strong images.
  6. Although I needed maybe a few more images, the limited amount of images was still helpful. Even if one of the images weren’t so strong, it doesn’t drown out my stronger two images, so it’s easier to see the strengths of my images.
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VISU 1311 Project#1: Ellise_Stokes

During my exploration of South Congress, I discovered an interesting concept contrasting a chain link fence to nature. After multiple visits, I decided to focus in on this, as I realized that it could relate to Gestalt. The chain link fence creates a repeated pattern, each piece in close proximity from the next. The links create a continuous pattern, granting a sense of closure because of its mathematical quality.

However, nature throws a sense of tension into this otherwise man-made, mathematical, inorganic display. The plants in my photos emphasize the containment caused by the fence, followed by the eventual breaking free of nature from the fence. The three photos act as a sequence: first showing the total containment of nature by a man-made construct, then leaves being free while the tree trunk is still trapped, and finally a pair of flowers being entwined with the fence.

2015, Ellise Stokes Gestalt 1 Photograph
2015, Ellise Stokes, Gestalt 1,Photograph
2015, Ellise Stokes, Gestalt 2, Photograph
2015, Ellise Stokes, Gestalt 2, Photograph
2015, Ellise Stokes, Gestalt 3, Photograph
2015, Ellise Stokes, Gestalt 3, Photograph

Under the cut, I will include my screenshots.

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VISU 1100: Blog Post #4


Seeing the upperclassmen’s work helped change my view on the art that I make now. Many of them explained how their art had grown over time, in some cases shifting from one subject to another entirely different subject. It reminded me that I don’t have to be static in how I approach art: if I really wanted to I can experiment. In fact, I learned that it’s more important to find a concept that I want to explore. The seniors also emphasized the importance of working hard, leaving aside time to do art daily, and indulging in art. They also explained a series of museums and galleries to observe, because viewing art is important to a visual arts degree.

Speaking on the student presenters, Rachel explained the importance of viewing art, as well as finding a specific muse to focus on. I find her idea of creating art based on family history extremely interesting.

Caelan talked about how growing as an artist is important to figuring out your art style, and what drives you to create. Their topic on what transgender means to them is so interesting to me, because I’m nonbinary. (I don’t know your pronouns I’m sorry)

Shelby expressed how it was important to enjoy doing art, and by enjoying yourself you can be more dedicated to doing art, making it an enriching experience instead of a painful one.

Paul’s dedication to his work was inspiring, especially since he has worked on creating great designs for some time. He explains how important it is to love your own artwork, which makes me appreciate the work I do a little more.

Christin explained that it is important to figure out your problems and explore them through art, and that makes art much more fun to experience. Through this new passion, art can come through a little easier.

Julianna expressed that we need to be open to experimenting with friends to grow a staple for your art. She also showed how she changed her focus for her photography over the years, showing how college allows you to grow.



For me, a compelling website is one that helps me with making art. Whether it be inspiring me to draw, or giving me an idea for a character design. I don’t normally frequent many artsy websites except for tumblr, so I’ll focus on the other websites that I use.

Body Visualizer

With body visualizer, it allows you to create a 3D model of the human body with a variety of sliders. You can create a realistic type body, or go completely unreal with it. Although it doesn’t let you do posing, you can still get a feel for how weight is gathered on a body, and see the form from all angles. I sometimes have a hard time visualizing bodies, and this website helps me out.

It’s easy to get stuck with art, especially when trying to figure out color schemes. So this website is extremely helpful because it has a variety of limited color palettes. There is also a randomize button so if I want to do an art challenge where I just take a random color palette I can do so.

This is just the iheartradio page for Sia and related singers. Sia’s music is incredibly inspiring, and helps me think of character designs. It also makes me consider creating art based on feelings and colors.

I know Youtube doesn’t seem like the most compelling website in the world, but it has so much content that it’s easy to find an interesting video. Through Youtube I watch TEDtalks, debates, and social discourse, all of which are very interesting to me and make me think. Youtube also gives me access to speedpainting videos, and these videos make me want to draw.

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VISU 1311 Blog Post #7

Listening to the Medium is the Message was honestly terrible, and a little horrifying. Since it’s really hard for me to focus, the entire audio kept throwing me off, making it hard for me to hear the actual reader of the information.

And that’s the point. The title explains exactly what happens. In the audio, the main information is read off by a man in monotone, this makes it easier for all the side sound effects, music, and readings to detract from the main information. This ties into the meaning of the piece: that in modern time people, but particularly young people, need a ton of information thrown at them all at once, or at least that they comprehend more things even with distractions. The older generation is still attempting to teach in such a way that worked back in the day, but now with all of the easy-to-find distractions, and the influence of television has altered the young way of thinking. In this way, it’s more obvious to the viewer why there is so much going on at once, and that this rapid type of audio helps create the message.

Similarly, the print form of this piece still gives off similar vibes that can throw off a reader easily. By juxtaposing distracting pictures, various colors of underlining, red circles around certain passages, etc. the message begins to be lost in the storm of the printed piece. It doesn’t ring bells at the reader, but it does cause a mental background noise because of the different markings and repetition. The meaning of the piece is also reduced because of the distractions. Whether it’s in print or audio, the point remains the same: the format of the media can alter the meaning of the work.

As it relates to project 2, collaging works in a similar way. By layering different images and different kinds of textures, one can add different feelings over other pieces. Although meaning can be added, so covering up aspects can create a completely different meaning.

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