The radio lab Beyond Time demonstrates how time is not necessarily a sequence of events heading one direction. Talks about a clock that won’t ring until many years after the artist dies. Many people that go near it decide that they should touch it or tag it, so that they will live on with the clock, even after death. Another artist dresses and acts like time had stopped, and uses no modern tools or clothes. He behaves as if time is just an illusion, and that the events of the past are what’s most important. There is also another segment explaining how free will doesn’t exist because of the flow of time. The demonstration for this included monitoring brain waves and deciding when to wiggle a finger. According to the test, the brain signifies that it is going to wiggle the finger before the person actually wiggles the finger. Though this is just how the brain works. By looking at time as a non-linear structure, it creates a variety of outcomes that create different futures.