Blog Post 9 VISU1100


The three alumni speakers discussed various things to aid in getting a job in the visual arts. Each speaker this time had a different approach to getting into the field.

Lynnè Bowman Cravens explained how grad school is very helpful towards learning an individual take on art. Grad school encourages individual work on projects, which allows one to figure out new forms of art. It allows us to expand our ability to work. She also mentioned that maintaining an art blog can help advertise your art, which is very helpful.

Miranda Petrosky was much more literal when it comes to explaining how to work in the (graphic) design field. She provided helpful information about the path to becoming a designer, going from student worker to intern to junior designer and so on. She explained that there is a digital side of graphic design, as well as a print and general design. She also told about the different agencies, and the different constants that come with graphic design work.

Finally, Dustin Meyer explained wedding photography as a place in the industry that can help photocomm majors. He talked about how wedding photography is a great place to start, because people are constantly having weddings, and there wouldn’t be an end of the demand for wedding photographers. He also explained how word of mouth is the best way to get recognition for the job.



About Ellise Stokes

Hello! My name is Ellise, and I'm a senior graphic design major.
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