Angers, Sweet Angers

I have lived in this wonderful city for 23 years and what is hard to think about when you are about to leave it for another country is what you are going to miss the most. The first thing that would come out from my mind would be my own house, my family and my friends. But it would be too much cliché. I mean every normal person would miss these things. I want to be more original about my choice. Angers in its entire complexity is going to miss me because as ny native town, I have lived so many experiences in this place that I can’t even describe them all. I know this city so deeply that I can’t even be surprised by the events that occurs there.

From the people of this town like the famous homeless named Serge who looks like Santa Claus and adorable with people to every neighborhood inside and around the town in which I spent so many times with so many friends of mine celebrating birthdays and parties. So naturally I will miss all of theses things once leaving the city. It is the entire atmosphere in which I evolved since the first grade. Particularly during Summer because as you know Angers is the greenest city in France and so it is really healthy to live there with its big green spaces especially when you can enjoy it during hot temperatures.

My friends or my family and I used to have a walk near the Lac de Maine which the place where I lived 12 years ago before settling in La Meignanne, my current living place. The place is perfect to get some rest or entertain. There are a lot of activities you can practice there as basketball, soccer, swimming, sailing. We can call it a leisure park. Recently I saw a video tape of my family and I back in the days when I was probably around 5 years old. I was running everywhere with my sister and my closer cousin. We were jumping in bushes and making weird faces in front of the camera like it was a moment of glory. Even now, when I see theses images, I still feel some nostalgia. What I mean is that most of my childhood, I spent my time in the nature of my neighborhood playing hide-and-seek or building huts. We were like animals released in the jungle with nobody telling us what to do. The neighborhood was pretty big and ours parents let us a lot of freedom at this time. Finally I think it is this aspect of the city that left a mark on me and which I will miss the most : The Green Angers! And my mother’s dishes, of course ! What can I say ? All my life I’ve been raised by her cuisine, even now as a grown man I will lose a enormous part of the culinary education I have grown with. In fact, this final sentence is more like a tribute to my mother who is according to a lot of people including me the best cook of the entire planet.

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