Some Strange Love

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (ej jolly)

Posts Tagged ‘mine’

Art, Art and More Art (Did I Already Say Art?) (4)

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October 6, 2014 Posted 1:47 am

4 Websites I Find Compelling com·pel·ling (kəmˈpeliNG/) adjective; evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way I have found all of these artists through Tumblr, and have followed some of them for over 2 years now. I enjoy seeing others grow as artists, and seeing their art through those stages has pushed me […]

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The World Entire

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October 5, 2014 Posted 11:47 am

Watching Schindler’s List reminded me why I wanted to pursue work in film; Spielberg told the story of Osakar Schindler and the Schindlerjuden and did it justice. There were no action scenes or romantic subplots to add fluff. Rather, all 3 hours and 15 minutes of the film were dedicated to exploring the events and […]

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The Medium is the Massage

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September 28, 2014 Posted 11:15 am

When I started reading and listening to the assignments for this week, I had a really difficult time trying to wrap my head around the phrase “the medium is the message”. Clearly it was the focus of the selections and would somehow tie into the concept of harmony when we discussed it in class but […]

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i love so (3)


September 22, 2014 Posted 2:44 am

Both of these pictures were taken for my first Visual Studies I project on the concept of Gestalt. The goal was to incorporate the concepts of Gestalt we discussed in class while taking pictures down South Congress Ave. We were given a lot of free reign with what we could take pictures of, I decided […]

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Tunnel Vision

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September 21, 2014 Posted 11:47 pm

My first thought when I was looking at our assignment for this week was, “Why are we LISTENING to something for VISUAL Studies?” Even as I read and looked at the supplements given in addition to the recording, I still was at a loss for what to really reflect on. But then I closed my […]

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Meet Me In Outer Space / You Are Stellar

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September 14, 2014 Posted 11:27 pm

All of the pictures in the short film were very captivating and beautiful, and if the title of the video weren’t a hint, I quickly realized that these were all pictures of nebulae and galaxies. I took the time to pause and look deeper at some of the frames, the colors and seemingly random shapes […]

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It’s a New Dawn It’s a New Day It’s Actually Only the 4th Week Wait What (2)

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September 14, 2014 Posted 11:00 pm

Time Tracker I never realized I was spending that much time in class. A good portion of my days have been devoted to school, which I am happy to find (that’s where all the money is going, so I would really hope!) The rest is dispersed between quick meals, clubs, time for myself and friends, […]

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The 4½ Tatami Ideologue and What I Managed To Do When I Step Foot Outside My House (1)

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September 3, 2014 Posted 10:28 pm

I had the amazing opportunity to take a year long Web Design class my senior year of high school. Not only did we learn about various ways of using HTML and other coding, but we learned the basics of Photoshop and how we could use it to create various images for different things. I had […]

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