Some Strange Love

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (ej jolly)

My Super Awesome Scythe Thing (12)

Part 1

I’m running out of class work to show off, so here’s pictures of a prop I made for a costume last year. I cosplay (“costume play”, where people make costumes and dress up as anime and video game characters) at conventions throughout the year. I have been making costumes for almost 5 years now, and am finally at a point where I’m confident I can make a lot of things and still have a good challenge. This particular prop and costume is from the show RWBY. This is the first large scale prop I’ve ever tried to make, and I’d say it was a fairly huge success.

I used craft board, a lot of time and patience, and a pretty solid pattern to create all of these scythe’s pieces. I then glued them together with tacky glue, stuck them into a hockey stick, and painted with spray paint, acrylic and even shoe polish!

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Part 2

For a good majority of the semester, I had 0% desire to study abroad. At all. Absolutely none. I was honestly (and still sort of am) sick and tired of having people shove it down my throat. But I’ve been talking with some of my new friends about it, and I think I might actually try for a summer visit. I’m shooting for Japan after my sophomore year, but I would also enjoy visiting Africa or Eastern Europe. My main concern has been, and always will be money. I’m already spending so much time and effort to come all the way to Texas for college, and it feels (and just might) complicate things to try to study abroad at the moment.

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