Some Strange Love

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (ej jolly)

I Wish I Could Take All Electives (7)

Part 1

Dream Spring Semester Schedule and some talk about my 4(? 3? 3.5?) year plan

  • Presentational Speaking
  • Intro to Communication
  • Honors American Experience
  • Beginning Tap
  • Communication Theory
  • Interpersonal Communication//
  • //Gender Communication
  • //Basic Fencing

Next year, I am changing majors from PhotoCommunications to Communication. I feel that what I want to do will be better addressed and tended to within the Communication department, and  I will gain a lot of skills and experience for the field I want to go into. Having taken Photography this first semester has definitely given me something to take with me however, and I will put what I’ve learned to good use in my other classes. I am also excited to be taking Beginning Tap and Basic Fencing! I’m looking forward to a class that switches gears and will keep me physically active.

My focus is going to be in Media Arts and Broadcast Journalism, so I will taking a lot of classes focused on film theory and documentary analysis. One class I am excited to take is Communication and Popular Culture, because we will be required to volunteer at South By Southwest over Spring Break and I’m already hoping to do that this year. I love volunteering at conventions and this is a definite way to gain experience working in the field I want to go into, as well as a nice thing to put on my resume.

Part 2

Time Tracker ver. 2

I definitely spend a lot more time during the day sleeping. A lot more. I’ve been forced to stay up late, either in my dorm room or in any number of labs in the Fine Arts building to complete my pre-finals projects going on. I’ve been trying to spend time with my friends, usually taking a break from work to get dinner or watch a quick movie, then its right back to work. (I definitely declined a trip to a night club the other day, because no matter how good of friends we are, I would never subject myself to that). Schoolwork is definitely taking up the majority of my time, and I haven’t gotten to play many video games. That makes me sad.

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