Some Strange Love

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (ej jolly)

Meet Me In Outer Space / You Are Stellar

All of the pictures in the short film were very captivating and beautiful, and if the title of the video weren’t a hint, I quickly realized that these were all pictures of nebulae and galaxies. I took the time to pause and look deeper at some of the frames, the colors and seemingly random shapes popping out to me first. The video was really fast paced, and didn’t give you much time to ponder over any one flashing image unless you took that time to pause. Overall, the images were kind of scary despite their beauty; the images looked grotesque and the white dots looked like lifeless white eyes. The lack of sound made it even more off-putting, simply because it left the sound to your own imagination.

Even after watching it a few times through, I am still not sure what exactly Brakhage was going for with this film. He could have just wanted to put together a short collection of his photos. But at the same time, I feel like the lack of clarity this seemingly random collection of pictures of the cosmos has indicates its meaning in and of itself. This random grouping of pictures achieved this, and the repetition of them all further drove that point home. I feel like Brakhage wanted people those who would see his short film to come up with their own ideas about his work and to look deeper than just the surface of the images flashing across the screen. He wanted us to see the meaning (our own meaning) with our own eyes.

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