typographic poster


The objective of this assignment was to create a visually stimulating poster for the AIGA event, Things & Context. There was not a lot of instruction for this assignment so they way we presented the text was mostly up to the student. I decided to break the text up into four quadrants, each quadrant having its own purpose. The top left hold the title, the top right has information about the time and date, bottom left has the address, prices, and contact information and then finally the bottom right has information about the event and speakers. To support the Things & Context idea, I chose to incorporate bright colors and graphics to resemble “things” and then had them interact with the context of the poster. If I were to redo the project now, I would most likely focus less on colors and graphics and more on how the text interacts with each other and is laid out, but I still do support my original idea of incorporating the name of the event with the design concept.

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