My views of technology in the classroom have dramatically changed since the beginning of this semester. When I came in, my views of technology integration were parallel with what I remembered from elementary school. Most of my memories of using technology in the classroom consisted of writing out journal entries on an early form of Microsoft Word, playing a math game, or spending my free time on Oregon Trail. While these could all be easily argued as beneficial uses of technology (especially for the mid-late 90s), it was a rare treat that we actually got to use the computer. I have been constantly impressed with how much simpler technology integration is now, as opposed to when I was a child.
Beyond my surprise at the surplus of technology in current classrooms, I found it interesting to see how easily it is to use technology just to meet the requirements. This class taught me that it is important to use technology to do something that you could not do if you did not have a computer or iPad in front of you. I was interested to see that how the use technology changed an entire lesson. Through the lessons that I observed online and in class, it was apparent how much more exciting learning became when I knew I got to explore something new on my own through a website or tool on the computer. The only thing I am still unsure about is, how can we use these websites in classrooms where there are only 2-4 computers, much like almost all of the AISD classrooms I have observed?
This whole question has been a reoccurring theme for me throughout the semester. I am always left thinking, “this is so great, but how can I use any of it if I don’t have the resources?” It’s an interesting question to ask, and I believe that over the years technology will become more and more apparent in the classroom. Only time will tell how my use of technology will pan out with limited resources, but I am certain that I will make an effort to include a plethora of activities that involve technology in my future classroom.