Behavior Management Plan

The individual behavior management plan that I am familiar focuses on giving positive feedback rather than just negative.  The system involves moving clips either up or down based on behavior. At the beginning of the day, every student starts at Green. If the student is caught being good they will move up once, to blue.  If they are having a really good day, they will move up again to pink.  Purple, the highest point on the chart, is WOW which means that the child has done a fabulous job for that day. Once a student gets a warning they move their clip down to yellow, which is the warning color. After this one warning they move their clip down to orange, “Teacher’s Choice”, which the teacher will choose an appropriate action to take. If the student continues with the behavior rather than making better choices, he or she can be moved down to red, which is a trip to the principals office, as well as a call home about their behavior.

Students also used a ticket system.  If a student was caught being good, they could earn a ticket.  Each student had a baggie in their supply box in which they collected the tickets they earned.  On Friday they were able to trade their tickets in for different rewards.  Some of the rewards included: having a class pet (stuffed animal) for the day, using a special pen, lunch with the teacher, etc.

The students sat in small groups at tables.  Another behavior management system in place was table tallies.  Based on the table as a whole, they could earn or lose tally points.  At the end of the week, the table with the most tallies got to choose a prize from the treasure box.

Along with individual and table behavior management systems, the class I worked in also had a whole class system.  We had a “warm fuzzy” jar in which the class earned “warm fuzzies” when they received compliments from other teachers, parents, or administrators.  When the jar was full the class earned lunch bunch, in which they were able to all eat in the classroom and watch a Magic School Bus video.

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