Payton Coleman


Hello!  My name is Payton Coleman and I am a St. Edward’s University graduate, with a  Bachelor of Arts degree in English Language Arts and Reading with a minor in EC-6 Education.  I graduated Magna Cum Laude in May 2013, and finished my student teaching in December 2013.  Student teaching was an amazing experience and it brought to light the excitement and happiness that teaching will bring to my life.  I worked in a first grade classroom at Baldwin Elementary and learned so much during the semester.  I learned about patience, time management, learning to laugh through the tough times, and how much a classroom full of students can touch your heart.  I was fortunate enough to see lightbulbs light up after re-teaching, which was one of the most rewarding experiences in my education thus far.  Knowing that I made a small impact on at least one student is the most amazing feeling in the world and I cannot wait for the next step in my teaching journey!