Final Reflection

Technology is a resource that creates authentic and real world experiences for students. It facilitates conversations with experts within a field of study and can connect students to similar students in another state or country who are completing similar research through tools such as FaceTime, Skype, and Google chat. Although technology does not trump traditional instruction it definitely enables teachers to easily accommodate various academic levels. Technology appeals to students because they are digital natives and regard using various technologies and devices as natural and fun.

In my classroom I plan on using technology to enhance all content areas. With the vast number of engaging video clips, apps, and interactive websites there are countless choices to consider. Pre-selected apps would be helpful in the classroom because they excite students and provide further support for the varied levels present within a classroom. If a student ever finishes an assignment early they can use an app on the class iPad to practice their skills in the same content area for that hour. With the use of apps during extra time and lessons, turning in an exit slip that is customized for each day can still hold students accountable. Another benefit of using technology is that it accommodates various learning styles with touch screens, podcasts, and various graphics represented through interactive visuals and engaging videos. Furthermore, technology enables students to easily self evaluate through the use of technologies providing students oral corrections and modeling. Students are also able to easily see their progressions as they advance to different levels within various educational websites and apps. Technology allows teachers to work with a small group while the rest of the students complete work for a brief period of ten minutes on an app. Like I mentioned earlier even though students would not be monitored directly by their teacher during this time they would still responsible for turning in an exit slip at the end of class.

In terms of digital equity it is hard to pin point how much funding should be allotted towards technology funding rather than other programs within schools or the development of new programs. In continuation, there needs to be more equality within funding of schools’ technology within districts. If a school does not have the funding to provide equipment for the student body an alternative solution would be installing limited amounts of equipment at a local library in the school’s community or at a community center. Most importantly, teachers must take into consideration every student’s resources at home when planning assignments involving technology and ensure assignments are accessible for all students.