Hello, my name is Clare Healy and I am a graduate of St. Edward’s University in Austin Texas. I was born and raised in Wichita, Kansas but have truly enjoyed coming to Texas for college.
Teaching has always been one of my aspirations, and my desire to be an educator has become even more solidified through my professional experiences and volunteer work. I am truly passionate about education and can’t wait to have a classroom of my own one day!
In general, I’d like to think of my style of teaching as fun and engaging. When I write lesson plans, I always provide differentiated instruction and activities because I firmly believe that every student learns differently and the only way to capture every student’s curiosity and attention is to present content in multiple forms (i.e. visual, tactile, physical, auditory, etc). I also know from personal experience that learning made fun is more meaningful to social and cognitive development. My hope is that when I have my own classroom, I can provide an environment where students feel supported, valued, and comfortable learning. The key to that, I believe, comes from having positive relationships with each student and adjusting your teaching to meet their needs.