David Blaine’s devotion to his goals, his curiosity, and his positivity and wisdom was very inspiring and meaningful within his work and presentation. His thoughts were very strong behind his acts, and very purposeful, and they didn’t seem as bizarre as they might have if they weren’t supported by a personal purpose. The feat, he described, as “surviving with nothing…not even air” was such a bold and intriguing concept.

I was very inspired when he spoke about how, as a magician, he liked to communicate to others that “everything is possible”, and that he kept believing, while looking through his research, if one person can do it, others must be able to, too.

He did a lot of research and experienced multiple “failures” (most that were on television); however, he really kept coming back and thinking “How can I solve this?”.

He did a lot in preparation for the feat. In the end, although mishaps were even happening in the final round, it was interesting to hear his thoughts as he tried to accomplish the task. I liked how it was the audience that really motivated him in the end (sort of a reminder of the context of the situation, and how he had beat the time! It sort of gave him an extra boost to keep going, even though before he was overwhelmed with everything going on in his body).

The end of his speech was very moving when he spoke about “pushing through the pain” and working to be the “best [he] can be”.