Part 1, Description and Responses to Faculty Presentations (“Our work…and whatever”)


Tuan structured his presentation around the various purposes that he creates his work for: family, friends, and the community/school. His designs ranged from designs for thank you gifts, book layouts, tattoos, bags, identity, packaging, and more. I really enjoyed his stories about his family and the journeys of his different designs (and whether they were used or not!). I also was intrigued by one of the first pieces he showed, titled “500 Doodles” (mainly because I love to doodle and I also love seeing other peoples’ thoughts expressed on paper).


In Hollis’ presentation, she displayed her works while discussing the significance, techniques, and processes. Hollis’ work contained many dynamic, haunting personal threads and themes of memory, consumerist culture, disposability, monsters, childhood, and the mind (among many others!). I loved the language she used within her explanations and descriptions (such as when she described the attic smell as “seductive”, as well as the idea of “collective consciousness” when referencing different sources and imaginations for one image).


Bill’s presentation was very chronological, as he outlined how he had “changed over time” and developed a love for photography. He highlighted the importance of body awareness and work ethic (“you really have to pay your dues to get good at doing this”). I really enjoyed when he spoke about how he challenged himself by moving from landscapes to studio, and how he had almost been avoiding doing portraits (blank environment, filtered people). Each of his ideas and professions merged and lead into the next, and each took him on various, contrasting paths filled with unique and building lessons. This is in line with his first statement: “Life is not linear”!


Part 2, Five Year Plan:

It is difficult for me to directly state what I want to “do” during and beyond college, but I’ll do the best I can (I’ll go year-by-year)!

Freshman Year, 2015-2016:

  • Take the prerequisite courses required for Graphic design while keeping an open mind
  • Explore other courses and take part in other interests (Jazz band!)
  • Go to artist visits and presentations
  • Currently interested in a Graphic design major and possibly English Writing minor

Sophomore Year 2016-2017:

  • Figure out major/minor (define it more!)
  • Become more involved with clubs (Command-G, Art clubs, possibly theatre)
  • Possibly start and internship and look into studying abroad (summer or semester)

Junior Year 2017-2018″

  • Focus on school work and major, and possibly live in an apartment (?)
  • Take classes required for graphic design, and figure out minor

Senior Year 2018-2019:

  • Finishing up requirements for major and minor
  • Research and become more involved in community and projects with classmates

Year after Graduation 2019-2020 (<—WOW “2020”!!!):

For my career beyond college, I know I want to help people and learn/create in the process. It would be interesting to work for a design firm, but I also think further down the line I am also interested in children’s education and illustration. I hope to work to tie together all of my interests and passions into creatively  (whether on the side along with another job, or as a full-time career).