Skills Inventory:

My greatest strengths in Visual Studies I are my willingness to put in time, thought, and effort into projects, as well as my interest in personal work and interests outside of class (which help and inspire me in class).

For greater success in this course, I should gain more knowledge outside of class of the specifics of what we are doing, as well as staying more organized and aware of the schedule and submission of assignments online.

My greatest strengths in my Rhetoric and Composition II are my ability to think critically through different topics, my attention to detail, and my high expectations that I have for my the work I produce (as well as for my writing and communication overall).

For greater success in this course, I will need to read the assigned readings more thoroughly while reflecting on how they relate to the work done in class (rather than just reading them because they are assigned).

My greatest strengths in Sex, Drugs, and Counterculture are my listening skills and my growing ability to connect ideas across subjects (in this case, literature and neuroscience).

For greater success in this course, I need to be more organized with my note-taking and spread out my time when studying for exams.

My greatest strengths in Visual Studies Seminar are my note-taking skills and my listening skills.

For greater success in this course, I need to keep up on submitting my blog posts on time each week!! I also think I just need to get more comfortable with engaging, asking questions, and communicating with classmates/professors.

My greatest strengths in my SEU Jazz Band Steady are my ability to adapt quickly and listen with the band, as well as my optimism (even though it sometimes dwindles) when my limitations/lack of experience are noticeable!

For greater success in this course, I need to examine the given music outside of class in order to be better prepared when for our rehearsals.

My greatest strengths in Foundations in Art and Design are my approach to my projects with determination and enthusiasm, and my open-mind towards learning skills and as well as towards different varieties of projects.

For greater success in this course, I need to focus more on the quality of pieces outside of class, as well as the conceptual backdrop/threads for my ideas to be a part of.

My greatest strengths in my Public Speaking class are my organization and listening skills.

For greater success in this course, I need put more time into planning and rehearsing my speeches, as well as more time into reading the material and being aware of the schedule.

My greatest strength in my Applied Piano class is my determination and my interest in improving my piano skills.

For greater success in this course, I need to take time outside of class to really think through the music as well as music theory.

Computer Skills: 

My computer skills include:

  • basic understanding of the formats of both PC and Mac computers (however, I am currently more familiar with PC)
  • I received a Microsoft PowerPoint certification in high school, and I have experience creating PowerPoint presentations
  • Typing speed

I still have many things to learn about computers (the terminology, functions, formats, Adobe Programs, etc.). Especially in relation to my major in graphic design, I have a lot to become familiar with in the programs and tools available).

Research and Writing Skills:

1) My greatest skills as a researcher and writer include:

  • putting a lot of care and thought into my researching and writing
  •  understanding proper formatting for citations and usage of information in writing

I need to work on understanding and following through with all steps of the planning process, critically examining sources and my own work, and sentence structure/diction/prepositional phrases/tenses for more clarity in my writing.

I learn best and accomplish most when I sit down and work with myself to connect the small details of material to the “bigger picture”. I also learn best by actually doing and visualizing (muscle memory and practice). I learn best when I discover what makes the subject important and special in comparison to and connection with others, and when I sit down and work to thoroughly understanding the information/concepts.


SEU Jazz Band, Applied Piano

1) Make sure to go to the piano lab at least twice a week in the evening to practice on my own

2) Speak with my professors about my concerns, limitations, and receive advice on ways I can improve

3) Designate time outside of class to looking through the music and simplifying the chords

4) Take time outside of class to think through musical theory and background information

5) Do not wait until class to begin looking at a new piece, and concentrate on certain sections I need to work on

6) Be patient with myself while I’m practicing by myself/with the band

7) Communicate more with members of the band

8) Speak up more in rehearsals, and focus more during rehearsals (instead of contemplating so much on what I’m going to have for dinner!). Think about what really matters (the music) at that moment!

9) Listen to the music charts online in order to be more familiar with what we are playing, and go over certain ideas in order for it to stay “fresh” in my head

10) Don’t become distracted when planning to practice (follow through with each time I plan to practice), and stick to it!