The goal of the assignment was to create collages that were harmonious. I immediately heard the word harmony and thought about music. I wanted my images to represent different sounds or patterns in music.
1. I would say that the strongest aspect of these images is how I chose to mimic the sound. The top image represents a staccato sound with all the angles and diagonals. The bottom image shows a echoed or base pattern.
2. I probably should’ve added some extra three-dimensional aspect to the images, as I was told by one of my professors. This is the weakest aspect.
3. The composition probably could be improved by adding some type of imagery that would improve the music aesthetic even further. Maybe some added angles to improve the staccato pattern.
4. The concept is pretty straightforward, I wanted the images to show different patterns of sound and I think that I’ve accomplished that, so the concept is already pretty strong.
5. Well technically these images were supposed to be collages. I should’ve cut and pasted something to the images but nothing I found was conducive to the music concept.