Upcoming Events


Time to share great food and insight! Please mark your calendars for the CTE Faculty Fellow on Diversity’s community learning events: E&I Community Potlucks. The events are being offered to not only provide an opportunity for faculty to share insight and expertise in various topics centered on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, but also to have a space where we can take some time for something just as important: to pause and take some time to think and share ideas, to look up from our insanely busy schedules and share a meal with friends and colleagues, and to learn about important and relevant issues by sharing ideas and resources with one another. Please join us in our faculty learning community, where we will cover these and other topics: Gender inclusivity in the classroom; Biases and Assumptions; Managing known and unknown micro-aggressions. I’m sure once we gather, we’ll come up with a whole lot more! Mark your calendars for the following dates and start dusting off your favorite recipes to share on the 3rd Friday of each month. The potlucks will take place from 11:30 – 12:45 in Fleck 306. Can’t wait to see you there!

September 15

October 20

November 17

December 15


Please mark your calendars! On Friday, April 7th, from 2:30 – 5:00 in FH 305 , the Center for Teaching Excellence will be offering an exciting workshop called “Speed Dating: The Unconventional Approach to Summer Prep Work.” This workshop will provide you with tools to use over the summer to prep your Fall 2017 courses. If you are interested in revising your policies, trying out a new assignment, or contacting a guest-speaker or community partner, the tools provided through the workshop will help to broaden the scope of your Fall courses in the areas of Community Engagement, Diversity, and Global Engagement.



Join the CTE Faculty Fellow on Diversity for this workshop that is aimed at giving faculty tools to help them manage difficult discussions in the classroom. The workshop will be interactive, informative, and refreshments will be served!




Join the Center for Teaching Excellence, Instructional Technology, and the Munday library for Experiments in Teaching on Wednesday, February 22, 3:30 – 5:30 pm in Jones Auditorium (Ragsdale 101).

Two-Minute, Rapid-Fire talk by the SEU Faculty Fellow on Diversity:
“Leading Courageous Conversations in Your Classroom: Helping Students Engage in Difficult Discussions and Civil Discourse”
Come check it out y’all!


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