Society and Culture

Propaganda in the Mexican Drug War

During the on-going Mexican drug war, drug cartels use propaganda through media and terror tactics to gain more control of people and in many cases corrupt the government. The main goals are to glorify terrorist actions of the drug cartels and their lifestyle, gain control of the Mexican society to the highest extent possible, and recruit new members of all classes to increase their power. These drug cartels use of propaganda and scare tactics are used in precise, complex and clever ways to get the most out of every action, resulting in their enormous power (Wiki).

Media – The drug cartels’ use of propaganda through new media has increased significantly as the primary source of connection with the people. It’s seen as a war terror tactic against the Mexican government, taking its people and putting them against themselves. Many times cartels use bribery or threats against journalists and publications to report the cartels in a good light. They also bribe or threaten members of the local law enforcement to look the other way when drug trafficking crimes are committed.

Recruitment – Cartels are extremely good at targeting high value individuals such as police officers and border agents. These recruits are important to narco operations for they provide knowledge on vulnerabilities within the system, personnel and they are usually well trained in weapons and some even trained in torture techniques.

Although the exploitation of children by criminals is a common story, the cartels have stepped  up recruiting to replace tens of thousands of members who have been killed or arrested during former President Felipe Calderón’s U.S.-backed war against the traffickers. Often youngsters serve as expendable foot soldiers in battles over trafficking routes to the U.S. and other local markets.

It is estimated that 60% of Mexico’s children live in poverty and since the last recession when factories closed down, many people felt like their only options were to emigrate to the U.S. or traffic drugs. “They’ll risk their futures for an iPod,” said Joe Garcia, a supervisory agent at Immigration and Customs Enforcement in San Diego (Miller).

Narcocorridos – Narcocorridos are a type of pop music that glamorizes the lifestyle of drug lords. It is country style music becoming increasingly popular with teenagers. The music video, El Movimiento Alterado by Sanguinarios del M1, describing the Sinaloa cartel’s drug violence, has over 8 million hits on YouTube.

“Con un cuerno de chivo / y bazuka en la nuca / volando cabezas / al que se atraviesa” (With an AK / and a bazooka taking aim / blowing off the heads / of whoever gets in the way)    

                                                                                                             — Sanguinarios del M1

Ten Best Narcocorridos

Quebec, Canada’s Biker War 1994-2002




Miller, Roger. Washington Post. 


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