April 24, 2020
Did you change your spring break plans because of the virus? From what to what?
No, my plan was always to go back and visit my family in San Antonio, however I also had to bring most of my belongings from my apartment back because of the temporary school closure. Then I had to finish clearing out my apartment when campus closed permanently.
How did you feel when you were informed the remainder of the semester would be held online?
When I found out the rest of the semester would be held online, I was both relieved and extremely anxious. I was relieved because it meant that I didn’t need to get up and attend classes in a foreign place and could instead work from the comforts of my home in my bed. It was anxious for me, though, because I am a senior and needed to pass in order to graduate. I was already taking one online class, so having four more to worry about and concentrate for on my own schedule without the aid of being in a classroom was a difficult work-around. Not to mention that it was harder asking for help as any communication had to be done over email most of the time, and I could not get together physically with my classmates for certain projects (like my senior project).
Where will you be living while courses are held online? Is this a change from usual?
I am living at my home in San Antonio. As I live with my aunt and uncle when school is not in session, this was not a big change for me and made me feel better mentally to stay home rather than somewhere else.
What has been your experience with moving classes online? What’s good? What’s not so good?
I like that I can work on my classes on my own time from the comforts of my bed and home, however it was hard trying to figure out that schedule and what best worked for me as far as deciding what assignments were more important than others for the time being.
How has the virus (and the precautions taken to prevent it spreading) impacted your daily life?
The virus has led to me staying home most of the time, and any time I needed to go out, I would wear a mask. I also help keep the house clean.
How worried are you about getting the virus?
I’m not extremely worried about getting virus, my family and I are working from home and not going out much unless it’s for necessities.
Do you know anyone who has gotten COVID-19?
Are you staying in? What are you doing to pass the time?
When I’m not working on school, I am playing video games or watching movies with my uncle. Since everyone is home, I get to see them more often so I enjoy passing the time with them when I can.
Are you going out? Where do you go and what is it like?
I’m not going out much. If I do go out, I go help my aunt with groceries and putting things away. If I want to hang out with my friends, we decide to stay at one of each others houses and just spend the time watching Netflix or Disney+.
What is giving you hope and/or strength right now?
I am nearly done with school. As much as I don’t like spending my last semester doing online work, I am glad this is my last semester and I don’t need to worry about attending school again (or when schools will open again) when the world eventually opens up again.