March 20, 2020
Did you change your spring break plans because of the virus? From what to what?
Yes. I was supposed to go on a Service Break Experience (SBE) to Los Angeles where we were going to work at an after-school program and visit Homeboy Industries, but that got canceled along with all of the ASBs through St. Edward’s. Instead, I went home to Houston where I didn’t do anything except self quarantine.
How did you feel when you were informed the remainder of the semester would be held online?
I started crying. I love St. Edward’s so much and was sad that I would have to leave all of my friends and favorite professors in May, but having all of that end so much sooner broke my heart. Now I can’t say goodbye to any of them. I also like to work on school assignments with my classmates, but now this likely won’t be possible or would be much harder.
Where will you be living while courses are held online? Is this a change from usual?
I will be going back to Austin, if that’s possible after the extended spring break is over. I live in an off-campus apartment.
What has been your experience with moving classes online? What’s good? What’s not so good?
I haven’t started my online classes yet, but I think it’ll be much harder than in-person classes. I like being on campus for classes and to do homework because I have more motivation when I’m on campus. Now that classes will be held online, I know it will be hard for me to stay motivated. I also won’t be able to collaborate with classmates as easily, which will be a negative change. Also, since we won’t be allowed on campus, it will be much harder to get help from my professors since I’m so used to walking into their office whenever I need help. Now I won’t be able to receive that help.
How has the virus (and the precautions taken to prevent it spreading) impacted your daily life?
I haven’t been able to spend time with friends like I’m used to because of social distancing, which has really taken a toll on my mental health.
How worried are you about getting the virus?
I’m not that worried because I’m staying indoors. Most of my worry is that I will become infected and then accidentally pass it on to others who are more vulnerable to the symptoms.
Do you know anyone who has gotten COVID-19?
Are you staying in? What are you doing to pass the time?
I’m staying in. I’ve been working from home, which I have already been doing. I’ve been learning songs on the piano, cleaning, listening to music, and bingeing shows on Netflix.
Are you going out? Where do you go and what is it like?
If I do go out, it’s just outside to take a walk in my neighborhood.
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about what you’re feeling or experiencing right now?
I’ve been heartbroken so many times in the past few weeks because of things I love being canceled which means that I won’t get the closure that I need as a graduating senior. Since graduation has been canceled, I won’t be able to be recognized for my achievement in a normal way. Honors night is canceled so I won’t be able to receive my Presidential Award normally. I can’t seek the physical comfort of friends because many friends are forced to move away, meaning that I won’t get to say bye to them how I wanted to, and I can’t hug my friends like I want to because of social distancing. Coronavirus has taken so much away from me, and they are all important things that I was looking forward to. I’m just very sad and heartbroken.
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