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Category Archives: All Things Music

Podcast: ACL 2012

Here is my Podcast for my ACL 2012 blog post for those of who would rather listen than read…with sound effects! 🙂

ACL 2012

  If you live in Austin and you don’t know what the Austin City Limits Music Festival is, then you might be living under a shell. This year’s festival took place this past weekend, October 12-14. The music festival took over roughly 50 acres of Zilker Park and brought in over 75,000 people each day…that’s a […]

My Very First PODCAST!

Here is my Podcast for my @LILBTHEBASEDGOD blog post for those of who would rather listen than read! Sorry if it’s not much, I’m still figuring things out! 🙂


It is without a doubt that the power of social media is increasing more and more each day. Social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and even YouTube make it quite easy to reach a large audience. One person who has taken advantage of the social media platform to spread a positive message is Brandon McCartney, […]

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