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The Standard ‘About Me’ Post

Even going through the phases/fads of Xanga, Myspace, AIM, Facebook, and Twitter, I’ve never really been that great about writing about myself so please, just bear with me 🙂

My name is Vivian and I’m currently a junior, which is still a little shocking, at St. Edward’s University in Austin, TX. My major is Communication with a focus on Advertising/PR. I was born and raised in Houston, TX and Texas will forever hold a place in my heart. I love food. I love looking at pictures of food. I would love to travel the country just to experience different cultures and try their food but since I’m a poor little college student, I’ll just have to put that plan on hold. For now, I’m just living up my college career in the wonderful city of Austin, TX.

Here’s a picture of me at Lake Nacimiento, California from this past summer. I fell in love.

I’ve always wanted to start a blog but I never knew where to begin. Luckily enough, my Interactive Media Production & Design professor is assigning us blog posts! I’m quite excited. My posts will be completely random. I don’t really have a theme so my blog will consist of just random topics I’ve taken notice of or been thinking about. Enjoy!


One Response to “The Standard ‘About Me’ Post”

  1. Anonymous wrote:

    Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at 9:05 PM | Permalink

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