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ACL 2012


If you live in Austin and you don’t know what the Austin City Limits Music Festival is, then you might be living under a shell. This year’s festival took place this past weekend, October 12-14. The music festival took over roughly 50 acres of Zilker Park and brought in over 75,000 people each day…that’s a lot of people. This year’s headliners included The Black Keys, Jack White, Neil Young and Crazy Horse, and of course, The Red Hot Chili Peppers. I’ve gone to this music festival since my senior year in high school but I wasn’t planning on going simply because I’m a broke college student. Then, this happened:

I couldn’t believe it! I had won a 3 day wristband off of a Facebook competition hosted by Goodybag, a local Austin business. Check them out! I was ecstatic! Oddly enough, my boyfriend was able to stumble upon a free ticket as well so we decided to go together. Que cute. I had a lot of fun, but I just don’t know if ACL is for me any more. It was a lot more crowded than last year and that’s kind of a deal breaker for me. Also, it’s getting a little pricey! I would just rather spend my money on something else…like FUN FUN FUN FEST 😉 My pictures from this weekend will give you a much better recap than me rambling so here they are:

This is in the infamous Barton Springs entrance to the music festival. Everyone who goes takes a picture of it. True fact.


This picture is from Lance Herbstrong’s performance at the Zilker Stage. Yes, those are two large joints being passed around the crowd. His songs reminded me of Pretty Lights. Some were slower and more relaxed and others just made you want to dance so I did 🙂

Presenting the Hot & Crunchy Chicken Avocado Cone from The Mighty Cone…definitely one of the most delicious things I’ve ever eaten. I can’t believe I haven’t eaten at The Mighty Cone before! Sad news is that they are either relocating or shutting down by March 2013 🙁


The Shiner Throne. My friend had this up at his house and it just made me laugh. It doesn’t really have anything to do with ACL but people do like to get especially rowdy during this weekend.


It was crowded.


THE RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS! From super far away…it was nice because no one else was playing during their show so you could hear their performance from any where in the park.



2 Responses to “ACL 2012”

  1. christom wrote:

    I’ve never been to ACL – someday. Chris

    Thursday, November 8, 2012 at 8:38 PM | Permalink

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