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My Political Rant of the Moment

Good morning ladies and gentleman!

As you all know, the great Presidential Debate took place last night in Colorado. Unfortunately I could not watch it because I had class and I also do not have a TV. I also tried to watch the live feed on YouTube but my laptop apparently does not have flash player any more? I’m pretty sure it’s because my laptop is outdated. I might as well be living in the dark ages. Good thing I have a link to the recording so that I may watch it this weekend.

ANYWAYS, since I did not watch it, you may be wondering then why am I writing about it? Good question! The amount of feedback from my peers via word of mouth, Twitter, Facebook, etc. was astounding! I think it’s safe to say that my generation is becoming more informed than ever on current events, especially this year’s Presidential race. Props to you guys. With that being said, while I was doing my homework last night, I kept checking my Twitter and Facebook to see what everyone was saying about the Presidential Debate. A lot of it was positive but a lot of it was negative at the same time. It also seemed like some people were talking or posting just to get feedback. Yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinion but when it gets to the point where someone is using vulgar language and racial slurs, it’s too much. For example, I happened to stumble upon a conversation where a young gentleman referred to Obama as “an angry Muslim who is a smooth talker.” He even went on to insult the whole Muslim religion. Not only is this disrespectful to the President, but it is also disrespectful to about 20-25% of the WORLD. Also, he’s facts are wrong because Barack Obama is indeed a Christian. To me, his comments were just classless.

It is completely okay to debate and discuss your beliefs and views but when you start offending others, it has gone too far. I must say I am proud of my generation for keeping up with the current political situation but I need to encourage everyone to become completely informed before you choose to get into a discussion some over politics or else it will most likely get headed and end very badly. When talking to someone about politics, always keep in mind that you do not want to offend the other person. If they start to get heated, simply end the conversation. You do not need to prove anything to anyone but yourself.

2 Responses to “My Political Rant of the Moment”

  1. christom wrote:

    Will you be posting an update to this after you watch the debate?

    Thursday, October 4, 2012 at 10:16 PM | Permalink

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