Does this Answer Why?

Being a vegan, I am always being asked ‘SO… what can you eat?” or a weird facial reaction and then “Why?!” Well, I will explain myself.

First off, it’s a healthy choice. Seriously, you can eat whatever vegan thing you want! (In proper portions) and never gain weight or break out. But above all, it presents only fresh non-processed food that leaves you feeling fresh and properly nourished. Rather than that yucky processed food, most vegan choices are locally farmed, and made to make your body happy.

Secondly, it’s compassionate. It is sad and a bit disgusting to see how cruel animals are treated when about to be slaughtered to me. I chose to be vegan because I do not support this way of getting food and the treatment animals are given.

Third, it’s delicious! I know most people think otherwise, but for me vegan food has always tasted more fresh, and a lot better. Vegan cookies? Mmm!

Here are three of the main reasons while I am vegan! I love the decision I made. Now, don’t feel as if I am preaching because I am not. Just explaining some benefits!



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  1. Pingback: Questions on Vegan Recipes For Kids Your Questions About Vegan Cookies | Questions on Vegan Recipes For Kids

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