Election’s Controversial Issues

With the election creeping on us, citizens are going out to vote and encourage others to. The decision they make reflects their beliefs on these hot-button issues.

Here is a list of some of those issues and the position Mitt Romney of Barack Obama take on them.

 1.     Abortion and the use of Birth Control


Obama is not against abortion. He is also not against Birth Control, as Health care law requires these pills to be available free for women enrolled in workplace health plans.


On the other hand, Romney opposes the act of abortion except in cases of rape, risk to the woman’s life or incest. Romney says state law should guide abortion rights and Roe v. Wade should be reversed in the future. He also promises to end federal aid to Planned Parenthood.


2.     Gay Rights


Obama supports legal recognition of same-sex marriage, and giving states the choice to recognize it. And has so far achieved repeal of the military ban on openly gay members.


However, Romney opposes legal recognition of same-sex marriage and says that it should be banned with a constitutional amendment, not left to the states. Romney also states, he would not seek to restore the ban on openly gay military members.


 3.     As a Texan, guns mean everything to us. Seriously. Rick Perry goes jogging with one!



Obama has not pushed for stricter gun laws as president. However, he has signed laws letting people carry concealed weapons in national parks and in checked bags on Amtrak trains.



Romney opposes stricter gun control laws. And due to the tragic events that took place in the Colorado theater, he favors tougher enforcement of existing gun laws. In 2004 he signed a Massachusetts ban on assault weapons.

 4.     WAR. WAR. WAR.


Obama ended the Iraq war and increased U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan then began drawing down the force with a plan to have all out by the end of 2014. He approved U.S. air power in NATO-led campaign that let Libya to the fall of their government.


Romney proposes an increase in military spending and endorses 2014 end to U.S. combat in Afghanistan. He plans to increase strength of armed forces.




Obama plans to raise taxes on the wealthy and ensure they pay 30 p% of their income at minimum. He believes in Bush-era tax cuts for everyone making under $200,000 or $250,000 for couples.


However, Romney wishes to keep Bush-era tax cuts for all incomes and drop all tax rates further, by 20% bringing the top rate.



Here are the top 5 issues that usually break friendships, hearts and ruin family dinners. However, they are the issues on everyone’s mind. Be sure to vote! 

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