Social network shows that Clinton’s speech was more popular than the NFL football game

As Americans, nothing brings us more closer than kicking back on the couch and enjoying a good football game with some friends. However, this occasion was different.

Having to move Vice President Joe Biden’s speech to a later time because of the huge kick-off game, the Democratic National Convention welcomed an unexpected speaker – Former President Bill Clinton. And his speech, was nothing less than exhilarating.

I am not much of a football fan anyways; so my TV was turned on to the Democratic National Convention. And I must say, sitting down to listen to Bill Clinton’s speech was an honor. I was in awe after his speech! Regardless of your political beliefs, this speech was one to see. President Clinton spoke of all the positive aspects of the Democratic Party.

He eloquently combined both charm and intellect and left the audience screaming as if they were watching their favorite band in concert. Republicans had no choice but to give this honorable political figure thumbs up.

The Obama Administration successfully turned a “convention” into a family. Clinton was a huge factor. This speech will no doubt be a contributing factor to the possible re-election of President Barrack Obama.

“President Obama started with a much weaker economy than I did. No president, not me, not any of my predecessors, could have repaired all of the damage he found in just four years.” – Former President Bill Clinton, DNC 2012

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