my favorite spice

The average American thinks nothing when he throws a few pearly bulbs of garlic into a produce bag except what next should be added to his basket. He or she goes on with his or her life, enjoying the nice, spicy flavor the garlic gives his or her dinner, without ever having contemplated the flavor’s origin. Though the United States is ranked fourth in the world in garlic cultivation and production, garlic’s high demand in America and companies’ desire to increase profits have resulted in the importation of garlic from under regulated and unethical grow operations in China. And all of this comes at a grand total less than the mere cost of production of garlic by American farmers.
Globally, China is by far the largest producer of garlic, producing over 75 percent of world tonnage. Prior to the imposition of a 377 percent duty against fresh Chinese garlic imports in 1994, China was a major exporter of garlic to the United States. This duty was set in attempts to counteract the growing dominance of Chinese garlic imports and protect American garlic farmers. Don Christopher, the owner of the main US supplier of garlic Christopher Ranch, explains “The concept of a free market economy is nonexistent in China, and as such, Chinese garlic growers have been selling their product below cost, without any consideration for labor.” In attempts to circumnavigate this tariff, many Chinese producers are labeling their cartons intended for export to the US as a “Product of Uzbekistan” or “Product of Thailand”. What the shit is this?
With the recent publicity of subpar products coming from China and consumed by unknowing Americans, (e.g. toothpaste, pet food, and children’s toys) the issue of contaminated garlic from China has also come to the American public’s attention. Consumers became outrage discovering the huge quantities of cheap, sometimes-toxic Chinese garlic that were being “dumped” – sold for less than production costs at the expense of their workers– into the United States. As mentioned, the main supplier of garlic to US super chains such as Wal-Mart and Costco is Christopher Ranch, based in the “garlic capital of the US,” Gilroy, CA. While company owner Don Christopher has been a main advocate for American-grown garlic, insisting it’s superior flavor and quality, the truth behind their claims of distributing purely American grown and produced garlic is dubious.
In doing some personal research, I went to the local Wal-Mart, and when I studied a three head bag of garlic, I was perplexed by what it read. On one side it read, “Gilroy’s Finest, Christopher Ranch, Family Owned Since 1956.” Then on the back, in much smaller print, it read, “3 PCS Fresh garlic, Product of China, Distributed by Christopher Ranch, Gilroy, CA 95020, U.S.A.”
THIS IS ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT. I don’t wan’t my favorite spice to turn my into some sort of toxic wasteland. I’ve seen made a post on reddit and have brought it to the national attention of doers. F U WalMart, Christopher Ranch, and all the greedy people involved.

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