The Music of Today


Documentary: East Side Glass Studio

Filed under: Blog Posts,Google Map,Videos — aleblan at 2:10 pm on Sunday, December 2, 2012

View Larger Map The East Austin Studio Tour,  an artist’s haven for showcasing their work, went on for two weeks from November 8th to the 18th. The event took place mainly in studios, bars or galleries in East Austin where many local artists in Austin reside.  Instead of documenting the tour as a whole, we […]

News Interview: 2012 Presidential Election

Filed under: Blog Posts,Videos — aleblan at 2:05 pm on Sunday, December 2, 2012

Before the upcoming 2012 Presidential election’s,  I interview my boyfriend, John, to see his outlook on who he was voting for and why and who he thought was going to win the election.  John is a strong Obama supporter, and also voted for Obama in the 2008 elections.

Riff-raff Creating Riff-raff

Filed under: Blog Posts,Podcasts — aleblan at 4:54 pm on Thursday, November 22, 2012

If anyone doubts the fact that hip-hop has been watered down by white cultural appropriators, they should look no further than up and coming rap artists: Kitty Pryde and Riff Raff. Originally from Daytona Beach, Kathryn Beckwith, a.k.a. Kitty Pryde, is 19 years old, works at Claire’s in the mall, and is about as threatening as a high-school cheerleader. […]

Britney Spears, Making a Comeback?

Filed under: Blog Posts,Podcasts — aleblan at 3:51 pm on Thursday, November 15, 2012

The number one selling single on I tunes is currently old pop sensation, Britney Spears.  Her new song with the original founder of the Black Eyed Peas, singer William Adams, known by his stage name, “,” has a completely different aesthetic than the catchy pop songs she sang when she first started out. got […]

Fun Fun Fun Fest

Filed under: Blog Posts,Google Map,Podcasts — aleblan at 2:14 pm on Wednesday, November 7, 2012

View Larger Map Fun Fun Fun Fest, started up in Austin in 2006 and immediately was a success for all music enthusiasts in Austin.  I decided to see if the name held true to its word by checking out the festival this past weekend.  I only bought a one-day, Saturday ticket for $75.  Although I […]

Die Antwood: Integrating their Culture into their Music

Filed under: Blog Posts,Podcasts,Videos — aleblan at 2:07 pm on Thursday, November 1, 2012   Die Antwood, a duo made up of Ninja and Yo-Landi Vi$$er, is a group from South Africa that formed in 2008.  Their music falls under a new category of music, as it’s a combination of electronic with rap beats. They claim their music is based off Zef culture, the idea that you can […]

Kreayshawn Tours in an Attempt to Boast Lackluster Record Sales

Filed under: Blog Posts,Podcasts — aleblan at 6:23 pm on Thursday, October 25, 2012

Although it didn’t come as a surprise to many people, Oakland-based white female rapper Kreayshawn’s debut album “There’s Something ‘Bout Kreay” was one of the worst grossing albums of all time. Despite featuring tracks with Kid Cudi and Diplo, Kreayshawn’s album only sold 3,900 albums, placing 104 out of 200 on Billboard’s Hot 200, making […]

ACL Highlights: Crystal Castles

Filed under: Blog Posts,Google Map,Podcasts — aleblan at 6:40 pm on Tuesday, October 16, 2012

View Larger Map Although I often find that electronic music loses a lot of its luster in the live music setting,Toronto-based Crystal Castles were a hit at Austin City Limits last weekend. Having never seen them perform before, the band really exceeded my expectations. Made up of Ethan Kath and Alice Glass, this duo of lo-fi experimental musicians put on arguably […]

The Black Lips – Garage Rock Provocateurs

Filed under: Blog Posts,Google Map,Podcasts — aleblan at 10:30 am on Friday, October 12, 2012

View Larger Map Although I was initially skeptical of all the hype, the Atlanta psychedelic garage rock band The Black Lips do indeed put on an incredible show. I had the opportunity of seeing them at Antone’s at an ACL after party.  Guitarist Cole Alexander was spitting constantly, fans crowd surfed and threw beer onstage.  […]

Neon Indian’s Performance at Emo’s

Filed under: Blog Posts,Google Map,Podcasts — aleblan at 4:38 pm on Wednesday, October 3, 2012

View Larger Map Neon Indian, a new indie/electronic band, was founded by twenty-third year old Texas Native Alan Palomo. Palomo experiments with different techniques to produce a very unique sound, unlike anything heard today.  Although electronic music is becoming increasingly popular among today’s younger generations, Palomo still incorporates musical instruments such as the drum and […]

Starfucker of Strfckr?

Filed under: Blog Posts — aleblan at 4:48 pm on Thursday, September 27, 2012

When Portland, Oregon based Starfucker (STRFKR) comes to Austin in November for Fun Fun Fun Fest, they will encounter the largest fan base they’ve ever seen.  On the heels of the success of their second album, Reptilians, STRFKR will be sure to draw large crowds in Austin. I will definitely be in attendance, as my […]

Neil Young, Performing till he Dies

Filed under: Blog Posts — aleblan at 2:30 pm on Thursday, September 20, 2012

Originally from Canada, rock and roll legend Neil Young took the American music industry by storm in the 1970s with Harvest and After the Gold Rush, not to mention his work with Buffalo Springfield and Crosby, Stills, and Nash. Still pertinent in 2012, Young and his life-long friends and band mates from “Crazy Horse” released a studio […]

Are Musicians Solely Becoming Entertainers?

Filed under: Blog Posts,Google Map — aleblan at 11:15 am on Thursday, September 13, 2012

View Larger Map As house music is becoming increasingly popular, these “artists” are not recognized for their hard work as there is very little talent involved in remixing tracks on a computer.  There is no longer a message trying to be conveyed to the audience, but instead most house music consists of the same beat […]

Dylan, Still Relevant?

Filed under: Blog Posts — aleblan at 2:26 pm on Wednesday, September 5, 2012

After six decades of albums, Bob Dylan is arguably the most prolific artist still around from the 1960s. Although his family members don’t speak highly of him, nobody can deny that he is one of the most influential singer-songerwriters of all time. From Blood on the Tracks to Nashville Skyline to the Wonder Boys Soundtrack, […]

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