The Music of Today


Documentary: East Side Glass Studio

Filed under: Blog Posts,Google Map,Videos — aleblan at 2:10 pm on Sunday, December 2, 2012

View Larger Map The East Austin Studio Tour,  an artist’s haven for showcasing their work, went on for two weeks from November 8th to the 18th. The event took place mainly in studios, bars or galleries in East Austin where many local artists in Austin reside.  Instead of documenting the tour as a whole, we […]

News Interview: 2012 Presidential Election

Filed under: Blog Posts,Videos — aleblan at 2:05 pm on Sunday, December 2, 2012

Before the upcoming 2012 Presidential election’s,  I interview my boyfriend, John, to see his outlook on who he was voting for and why and who he thought was going to win the election.  John is a strong Obama supporter, and also voted for Obama in the 2008 elections.

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