The Music of Today


Britney Spears, Making a Comeback?

Filed under: Blog Posts,Podcasts — aleblan at 3:51 pm on Thursday, November 15, 2012

The number one selling single on I tunes is currently old pop sensation, Britney Spears.  Her new song with the original founder of the Black Eyed Peas, singer William Adams, known by his stage name, “,” has a completely different aesthetic than the catchy pop songs she sang when she first started out. got his start in the music business when he founded the group, the Black Eyed Peas in L.A in 2003.  He has also worked with Michael Jackson, Justin Bieber, Rihanna, U2, Usher, Justin Timberlake, Earth, Wind & Fire, and Nicki Minaj to name a few. is working on a new album called Willpower and his new song with Britney Spears, “Scream and Shout” will be featured on it.

The song starts out with Britney’s voice digitalized with a robotic flow to it, as she repeats the same lines, “you’re going to turn this shit up,”  “all eyes on us,”  “they’re watching us,” multiple times in a monotone voice.  The song then cuts to saying the same line, “I want to scream and shot and let it out” over and over with Spears joining him.

It is obvious that, “Scream and Shout,” required absolutely no talent to make.   Just like most popular music today, this song was digitalized to sound more aesthetically pleasing.   It has no instruments; only digitalized beats in the background.  It is pathetic this song made it to number one on I tunes solely because the two performers are famous, not because they are producing quality sound with a meaningful message.  Honestly, to me, the song sounds like a broken record with Britney and Will.iam saying the same lyrics over and over again.  I hope that this is not the future of music as the quality of sound in the music industry has been declining quickly over the years.   It saddens me that artists think that they can make millions by producing music that takes no hard work or innovation of ideas.  It has come to the point where instead of selling their music, they’re solely selling their image.

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