The Music of Today


Starfucker of Strfckr?

Filed under: Blog Posts — aleblan at 4:48 pm on Thursday, September 27, 2012

The members of Starfucker, my two friends, my dog, and me hanging out at my house

When Portland, Oregon based Starfucker (STRFKR) comes to Austin in November for Fun Fun Fun Fest, they will encounter the largest fan base they’ve ever seen.  On the heels of the success of their second album, Reptilians, STRFKR will be sure to draw large crowds in Austin. I will definitely be in attendance, as my cousin Ian Luxton is in the band.

Some have argued that their band name is an impediment to their success, but I think it’s just the opposite. Having an eye-catching, incendiary name creates interest immediately; take N.W.A. and the Coathangers for example.

Although initially formed by Josh Hodges in 2007, the band’s sound has undergone an enormous transformation, which I personally attribute to Ian’s influence. Their first album, the self titled Starfucker, was more of an electronic dance-synch-pop record; whereas, their follow-up features more musical instruments and has more of an indie rock feel.

Their most recent album, Reptilians, is a hybrid of electronica and indie-rock, danceable music that stands on its own. The album has an upbeat sound, which is interesting because it focuses thematically on death.  There are excerpts from Alan Freed, the British philosopher who argued that death gives meaning to life. It’s an interesting juxtaposition. They have upbeat, poppy sounds superimposed with recordings of Freed saying things like, “Death is like manure, just as manure fertilizes the plants and so on, so the contemplation of death and the acceptance of death is very highly generative at creating life. You get wonderful things out of that.” Hodges’ grandmother died last year, which could explain some of this aesthetic.

In addition to electronica and indie-rock, Starfucker has an element of glam rock in their presentation. It’s not uncommon for the band members to wear dresses and paint their nails, much to my Dad’s dismay whenever we’re out to dinner with my cousin. I’m really excited for Fun Fun Fun Fest, and looking forward to hanging out with my cousin.

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