There must be easier ways to be green.

Graphics cards are apparently pretty important things for computers to have. I know, because mine died yesterday and now all I’m seeing as I write this is a bunch of moving green and pink pixels all over the screen. The computer still works, and I can use the internet and Word. Everything just looks really, really strange. Apparently this happened because the computer got too hot, which makes sense because we have no air conditioning in these rooms. Still, if I upload pictures and they don’t actually look very good, I have no way of knowing. It’s also a good excuse for bad pictures, if I take any! And now the text is green…

My German is getting better every day. I can now understand about 80% of a lecture, which is enough to understand the main idea even if I don’t catch every word. I can also understand certain jokes that certain German professors tell at the dinner table. I wonder if that’s a good thing? And was I just not catching that the first few days? In any case, it seems everyone else is getting better too, judging by the fact that the dining hall is really loud at lunch and dinner time–everyone is speaking in German to one another!

Tonight we’re going to watch Independence Day in German. This could be very interesting, hopefully in a good way, but very strange I think.


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