GDES Portfolio

Advanced Typography: Weather Report

The assignment was to choose three out of four LATCH animations and create an animation showing a weather report. Instead of just doing three LATCH animations, I did all four: location, time, category, and hierarchy. My process in making this finished animation began with creating the graphics in an Illustrator file and breaking up the project into four parts to animate separately in After Effects to ultimately compile them together. I decided to animate all four LATCH animations for bonus points but also because it aesthetically looked better in my animation. My animation embodies the concept of a weather report by representing information in various ways like a real weather report might do. The design enhances the content by following an aesthetically pleasing color palette and using legible typefaces.

img sequencePictured Left to Right: Line, Shape, Size, Space, Texture, Value

Image Methodology: Elements of Design

The goal for this assignment was to take professional looking photographs of things representing line, shape, texture, hue, size, and space but have them flow together to sequence well. I went through at least four renditions of taking photos before finally deciding which were my final ones. Initially, I did not know how to use a fancy camera whatsoever. In my final images I went through a process of deciding on a specific element, texture, to represent in each of my images and took numerous photos and then selected which six represented each element best. My photos represent line, shape, texture, hue, size and space by following the descriptions of each given to us on the handout when starting the assignment. The photos enhance the content by being all interconnected through texture.

Decision Map

Graphic Design I: Cognitive Map

This assignment was to create a decision flowchart map. I fulfilled this assignment by representing what goes through my mind when I see a dog on campus that I want to pet. I began by mapping out what questions I ask myself during these occasions and what possible answers could be used. I decided to go with simpler answers to make the chart flow easier. My design clearly embodies my concept with dog graphics and graphics for each question being asked. The design enhances my concept with lots of dog related graphics that the reader can easily see is about dogs.

Information Graphic

Graphic Design I: Information Map

This assignment was to create information map graphics based on two lists of unedited information. I fulfilled the project requirements by first finding patterns within the information lists and selecting what I wanted to represent graphically. I decided to create a line graph and a pie chart. My design embodies the information and enhances it by being clean and legible and clearly stating what the information is.

Road Map


Graphic Design I: Artifact Map

The instructions for this assignment were very loose so initially I had a hard time fulfilling the project requirements because we had so much free reign. The assignment was to create a directional map emphasizing a concept. I fulfilled this requirement by choosing to create a map of dog friendly restaurants along South Congress. I researched which restaurants were dog friendly and based on the level of sophistication, decided what restaurants were more dog friendly than others. With paw prints in the design, the concept of dog friendly is more legible to a reader looking at a map. The design enhances the content by being very straightforward and minimalistic.



Graphic Design I: Symbols

This assignment was to create multiple symbols connected to an umbrella theme and eventually curate three final symbols to cut into vinyl stickers. I chose to use my own personal brand for my theme and chose various items to create symbols of that relate to me such as a dog, a horse, my depiction of adrenaline, sleep, and others. I began by choosing three traced objects, three abstract concepts, and three stylized objects and eventually made hybrid combinations. In the end I decided to focus on two hybrids of sleep and a hybrid of a horse and adrenaline. My designs embody who I am as a person by portraying my ideas of my interests. My personal brand is enhanced by the fact that my lines are clean and could easily be cut into vinyl stickers by the cutting plotting machine.


Typography I: Type Specimen Book

The goal for this project was to create a booklet based on a single typeface of our choice from a predestined list of typefaces and incorporating “The Crystal Goblet” essay. I fulfilled the requirements by surpassing the minimum page requirement, using “The Crystal Goblet” essay, and researching and showing off the typeface. I began by choosing the Avenir family to research and learning of it’s uses. I had to make decisions to use which version of Avenir based on contrast and line width and color choices. The design embodies my idea of minimalism with few color choices and lots of negative space. The design enhances the written content and boasts the focus of the Avenir type with minimal and simplistic choices.


Typography I: Typographic Poster

The goal of this assignment was to arrange given text into a poster format. We had free reign of creative choices, and I chose to stick with a basic block format for the text to align. For my color choices, I used a color palette I found online and decided to stick with a green color because I never use green. The design embodies my idea of dimension and legibility with two columns of text and having the title pop out of the box and border. The design enhances the content by making it legible.

Typography I: Type is Space/Type is Sound


For the Type is Sound assignment, I was given the task to represent an onomatopoeia. Inspired by the group from the 80s, I chose “WHAM”. I wanted to show that the type was being ricocheted and I achieved this by duplicating the initial type layer, rasterizing it, and then using a motion blur. But I also wanted to give the type motion, and I did this by creating a wind effect from the left that looks as if the type oblique is created from the wind. mysteryinterruptionchange


For these Type is Space assignments, I had to represent these four different words using the type to indicate what the words meant. For mystery, I chose to cut off the top and bottom and shift both of them in opposite directions of the base word which successfully makes the reader have to think about the type is– a mystery. With interruption, I went with a basic route and literally interrupted the word by utilizing the space in the document. For change, I decided to flip the vowels ‘a’ and ‘e’ horizontally so that the word can be viewed in a different way. I also went a more basic way with space by spacing out the letters, but I intentionally chose for the ‘s’ and the ‘e’ to be cut off into the edge of the document showing the space of the document.