Day Four: January 21

Now that we’re about two weeks into the course, our routine is probably coming into focus. To help keep track of all the weekly tasks, I created Canvas assignments for the bookmarking activities, geo-tagging and the short papers.

Today we’re going to talk a bit about the conditions that generally led to the revolutions that started in Dec. 2010/Jan. 2011. After that, we need to do a bit of practice with geotagging and bookmarking, so I’ll have you “workshop” those activities in class where I can help. 

To discuss today’s reading, I would like us to look over the chapters “Introduction” and “An Arab Malaise” and draw some generalizations about the region in the decade 2000-2010 concerning:

  1. Government
  2. Economics
  3. Security
  4. Culture

Here is our checklist for “workshopping” activities today:

  1. Setup Google Maps and share them with the instructor.
  2. Check to see if you can view the other students’ maps on our class blog.
  3. Look through today’s readings and create or edit two geotags. Remember that they should have a citation to help us locate them in the reading, summaries that explain the significance of the place or thing that’s tagged, and some kind of enhancement like an embedded picture or video, or a link to relevant outside resources.
  4. Create a Diigo account and join our class’s Diigo group. More instructions here.
  5. To practice using Diigo, find something on the internet that’s relevant to each of the geotags you created and save them in Diigo in our Culf 3331 group. Try using the different features of the browser plug-in like highlighting and adding text notes to the pages.
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