Although we  assume major news networks will be realistic in their reporting of incidents, it is often and unfortunate that news is skewed in whichever lighting that the producer prefers. Producers of networks nowadays are not shy when if comes to their political opinions; especially when those opinions are concerning Muslims. Its not surprising that the stories end up thoroughly distorted in the sense that they are very one-sided and negative. Instead of a fair evaluation of Islam, the religion often finds itself dramatically overgeneralized as an aggressive and harmful influence on peoples’ lives.

However, instead of continuing forth with this biased version of Islam, it is the responsibility of the media to avoid unfair representations of Islamic people in their coverage. This is were Reza Aslan, and Iranian-American scholar, comes in; he takes a stand during an interview against two hard-headed broadcasters. He refuses to let these reporters get away with summing all of the Islamic countries together as one.. (even thought they do try to multiple times). The topic comes up in response to the claims Bill Maher made earlier this month on how Islam promotes violence.

See the full interview below!


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