
Turkey Criticized Over Role In Syrian Conflict


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As the Syrian conflict continues, and becomes even more violent, Turkey has been increasingly more criticized by Western governments. In an article by the Middle East Monitor titled “Turkey Arrests 19 Foreigners Heading Towards Syria” it states that Turkey is still experiencing a trickle of foreign fighters from all around the world attempting to cross into Syria to join the Islamic State of Iran and Syria (ISIS). In this latest instant, Turkey arrested 19 foreigners included a pregnant woman, one of 13 Indonesians, a French citizen, two Russians, two Libyans and someone from Kyrgyzstan. While Turkey is being criticized for not doing enough, Turkey’s foreign minister stated last week that more than 12,500 people have been blocked from entering Turkey and that the government has deported more than 1,150 people since January.

Despite Turkey doing its part to stop the flow of foreign fighters to Syria, as violence has increased Turkey has decided to shut down two border crossings [into Syria] according to a report done by Reuters called “Turkey Shuts Border Crossing As Fighting Worsens Around Syria’s Aleppo,” reported by Humeyra Pamuk and Tulay Karadeniz, written by Nick Tattersall, and edited by Alison Williams. It states that the border crossings were closed due to security concerns but they will remain opened to humanitarian aid. They will also keep the borders open to Syrians with passports who would like to return to Syria. 

The significance of the closing of these border crossing means that despite Turkey believing that they are doing “there part of it” the criticism received by Western powers means that they are attempting to do more to please these powers. Hundreds of foreign fighters still flock to Syria in order to join ISIS every day and Western powers, along with Turkey, are attempting to find new ways to stop this flow and eventually bring down the Islamic State.

Rising Tensions between France & Syria

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad meets with a French delegation headed by Senate member, Head of the Senate’s French-Syrian Friendship Committee Jean-Pierre Vial,in Damascus

Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad (center L) meets with a French delegation headed by Senate member, Head of the Senate’s French-Syrian Friendship Committee Jean-Pierre Vial,(center R) in Damascus February 25, 2015, in this picture released by Syria’s national news agency SANA. CREDIT: REUTERS/SANA/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS (Click photo to access Diigo account)

Middle-Eastern and European relationships have always been tense due to the European countries efforts to colonize these countries. In the modern day, tensions had died down but recently the group ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) have brought these tensions back up especially with France due to recent attacks in and around Paris. Because of this, France does not want to regain its relationship with Syria at all. In a recent article by The Daily Star called “Syria opposition praises France’s anti-Assad stance” the author states that a group of French lawmakers went to Damascus to see if relations between the two countries could be revived but it was a trip made in-vain as France will continue to oppose President Bashar Assad and Syria all together. This trip reignited a debate in European countries over whether it was time to rebuild diplomatic ties with the Syrian regime in order to “counter the greater threat from jihadi groups such as ISIS.”

Similarly, Britain has also decided to dismiss all suggestions of resorting relations with Syria. In an article reported by John Irish and edited by Mark Heinrich in Reuters called “France, Britain dismiss calls to renew relations with Syria’s Assad,” both countries state that a relationship with Assad “would likely end all hope of a political transition and push moderates into the arms of radical Islamist groups.” They will no renew ties with Syria since they believe the regime represents injustice, chaos and terror and they do not wish to be associated with any of that. France and Britain want to be able to fight ISIS, for their own security, and they need a partner that can “act against extremists”. They want to negotiate a political settlement between the government and the various other groups in Syria. 

In the bigger picture, this means that the Syrian regime and President Assad has a lesser chance to regain control of Syria. They have few diplomatic ties left and those who are still by their side, have little power over what is happening in Syria especially if most world powers are against them. Countries such as Britain and France want peace in Syria and in order for that to happen they need to eliminate both the ISIS group and the current Syrian regime. They hope to be able to gain peace through peaceful negotiations but the likelihood of that is shrinking everyday and so France and Britain, along with other European Countries and the U.S., much search for other ways to defeat these groups.

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