
This shows the flow of foreign fighters to Syria. (Click the picture to access my Diigo account)

The month of February is usually associated with love and compassion but that is not the case in Syria where fighting between the Syrian government, and rebel groups continue. While these two groups may not be getting along, there has been some collaboration between the rebel groups in Syria and foreign fighters from all over the world. According to an article by Reuters, reported by Mark Hosenball and editing by David Storey and Andrew Hay, it is estimated that “20,000 foreign fighters from more than 90 countries have gone to Syria.” These fighters have joined the rebel groups, for the most part, in their effort to remove the Syrian government currently in command. While most of these foreign fighters stay to fight, there have been instances of abandonment.

These instances are not treated lightly by the rebel groups and often end in cruel punishments. Most recently, these rebel groups ‘killed three Chinese militants who joined its ranks in Syria and Iraq and later attempted to flee,” according to an article by Reuters, reported by Michael Martina and Sui-Lee Wee and editing by Clarence Fernandez. This event has lead China to express concern about the rise of the rebel groups in Syria but they have yet to shown any sign of wanting to take part in the U.S.-led coalition effort to use military force against the rebel groups. These three Chinese militants were a few of hundreds of Chinese militants who flocked to Syria in order to fight along side the rebel groups.

Collaboration between different ethnic groups is quite common in this day and age where people from all over the world can meet and work together, but it is a bit unusual to see it in this context. These foreign fighters are only adding to the bled shed in Syria and allowing for the fighting to continue. While the foreign fighters allow for fighting to continue in Syria, the execution of the three Chinese militants may bring other groups into the action. For now China has chosen not to pursue any military action, but with thousands of other foreign fighters in Syria who is to say the next fighters who are executed will not bring other nations into this war. The war in Syria will stay within its borders for now, but it cannot be certain as to wether or not in will stay that way for long.